Jesse Eisenberg will reportedly write and direct a currently untitled musical comedy feature at Topic Studios and Fruit Tree, the companies who just released his acclaimed Sundance title “A Real Pain”. The film follows a shy woman who is unexpectedly cast in a local community theater production of an original musical. Under the spell of the strong-willed and enigmatic director, she loses herself in the role and the high-stakes world of this community theater production.
Julianne Moore and Paul Giamatti have both been cast in the film, though their roles are unclear at present. Emma Stone, Dave McCary, and Ali Herting produce. Eisenberg will contribute original music to his film which will shoot in early 2025 though no release date has yet been set.
Eisenberg has most recently been filming a third “Now You See Me” movie which wrapped the other day ahead of a release in 2025. Source:.
Jesse Eisenberg To Direct A Movie Musical
Jesse Eisenberg will reportedly write and direct a currently untitled musical comedy feature at Topic Studios and Fruit Tree, the companies who just released his acclaimed Sundance title “A Real Pain”. The film follows a shy woman who is unexpectedly cast in a local community theater production of an original musical. Under the spell of [...]The post Jesse Eisenberg To Direct A Movie Musical appeared first on Dark Horizons.