Japan’s new convenience store calorie-bomb sandwiches have even more calories outside Tokyo

Last December, Japanese convenience store chain Lawson Store 100 launched a new line called The Calorie. It’s a bit of a misnomer, as The Calorie items do not, in fact, contain...


Last December, Japanese convenience store chain Lawson Store 100 launched a new line called The Calorie. It’s a bit of a misnomer, as The Calorie items do not, in fact, contain a single, definitive calorie. Instead, each sandwich, snack, or other foodstuff in the line must contain at least 1,000 calories in order to earn the The Calorie designation.

We ate the initial two The Calorie items as soon as they went on sale, and it’s only now, roughly half a year later, that we’re starting to feel hungry again. So luckily for us, and all of Japan’s big eaters, Lawson is getting ready to drop, with weighty thuds, two new The Calorie items, and one of them even has considerably more calories in some parts of Japan than others. Starting off with the standardized-across-the-country The Calorie newcomer, we’ve got the Old-Fashioned Donut Sandwich, pictured above.

This is a stack of two old-fashioned donuts with a layer of sweet soy milk cream between them, and the top donut covered in chocolate. It’s an elegant solution to the dilemma we’ve all had when we want to eat two donuts at the same time, but still need a way to get some cream in there too. The Old-Fashioned Donut Sandwich clears The Calorie’s 1,000-calorie bar with 1,055 calories.

The numerical specs get more complex, though, with the Croquette Egg Sandwich. This carnival of carbs consists of potato croquettes, Japanese-style egg salad, and some very thick cuts of sandwich bread, which, unlike most convenience s.