Jailed in February: Taxi driver predator, arsonist butcher and child abuser

CRIMINALS jailed in February include a taxi driver that preyed on a lone female passenger, a butcher that torched his wife’s café and a man that sexually abused a child.


Paul Armstrong set his wife’s café on fire after becoming “overcome with jealousy”, forcing an upstairs tenant to flee their home. Prior to the arson attack, Armstrong also stole his partner of 16 years’ passport and £7,000 in cash, when she tried to visit her family in Malaysia. The court heard the defendant stalked his wife, tampered with her car and chased her with a knife.

Judge Pawson said Armstrong “succumbed to the green-eyed monster” when he set fire to Foodelicious café in Moordown. Armstrong, 61 and of Pine Road, was jailed for three years and nine months, after pleading guilty to arson, possession of a bladed article, non-dwelling burglary, stalking and two counts of theft. Steven Appleby was found guilty by jury of raping a woman in her own home after she recorded the ordeal on her phone.

The woman said in a statement: "This is a lifetime sentence for me and one I will carry forever." Appleby, 61 and of Diana Way in Corfe Mullen, was jailed for five years after convicted of one count of rape. Motin Miah drove down a dark street before climbing on top of his lone female passenger and sexually assaulting her in Colehill.

The woman, who was trapped by a seatbelt, said she thought she was going to be raped then murdered. She told the court: “At the time I thought I was doing the right thing by getting into a trusted taxi from the taxi rank however, for the first time I was worried for my life.” After being found guilty of sexual assault, Miah, 52 and of Petwyn Close in Ferndown, was jailed fro three years and three months.

Dean Cambage held a screwdriver to a university student’s neck and demanded he ‘gave him everything he had’. The man feared he’d be stabbed during the altercation outsider BH2 leisure complex in Bournemouth. Cambage stole the man’s iPhone 13, £75 in cash and his watch which was gifted for his birthday.

The following day, officers arrested Cambage when he tried to flee police. After pleading guilty to robbery and possession of an offensive weapon, Cambage,43, was jailed for a total of seven years. Kelvin Thompson bit a police officer and “refused to let go” after they attempted to stop and search him.

Plain clothed officers from British Transport Police’s county lines team spotted Thompson acting suspiciously as a railway station in Brighton. They found him with three mobile phones and felt a package hidden underneath his clothes. However, when questioned, Thompson tried to escape by slipping one of his handcuffs and attacking the officers.

The hidden packages were found to be around £1500 of crack cocaine and heroin. Thompson, of Cambridge Road, Bournemouth, was jailed for four years and nine months after pleading guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug, assault causing actual bodily harm and two counts of assault with intent to resist arrest. Kenneth Glaister attacked his partner and reportedly punched her over 30 times during a holiday to Weymouth.

Almost exactly one year later, Glaister began harassing the woman at her home in Basingstoke by putting business cards through her door, stealing her hanging basket and spray painting “c**t” on her fence. Officers found the defendant in his car, surrounded by cans of alcohol and holding a large knife to his stomach. Glaister was jailed for two years and eight months.

Christopher Barnby was found guilty of sexually assaulting a young child after a trial at Bournemouth Crown Court. The judge said Barnby showed “no remorse” after assaulting the boy on at least five occasions. The assaults only came to light after the boy complained of physical pain to his mother.

Barnby, 43 and of Noyce Gardens in Bournemouth, was jailed for four years..