Jail where P Diddy is being held previously held Mafia bosses, Isil terrorists, world leaders and sex cultists

As Sean 'P Diddy' Combs is being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York awaiting his trial, we're taking a look at other notable residents that have been housed in the same facility


As P Diddy is currently housed at the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York after being , we're taking a look at some of the facilities most infamous former residents. The disgraced rapper was of racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking and transportation to engage in prostitution. He pleaded not guilty on Tuesday, with his lawyers offering $50 million for bail and in-home detention.

However, Judge Tarnofsky denied the request and has ordered the 54-year-old producer to remain at the jail until his trial. According to Sam Mangel, a federal prison consultant, the MDC is one of the and has been dubbed as "hell." And while the disgraced rapper remains behind bars at the facility, known for it's , there have been plenty of other notable prisoners that were housed there in the past.

Some other noteworthy residents over the years that were either previously held or currently housed at the facility included rapper Ja Rule, In March of 2013, American rapper Ja Rule, aka Jeffrey Bruce Atkins Sr., was brought to Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center ahead of his trial for tax evasion. The Mesmerize hitmaker was held at the facility after failing to pay taxes on more than $3 million he earned between 2004 and 2006.

He later plead guilty in Newark federal court to three counts of failing to file a tax return despite generating income from royalties and live tours. The Grammy-nominated rapper then agreed to pay the government more than $1.1 million in tax debts, plus penalties imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, according to federal prosecutors.

Clare Bronfman, heiress to the Seagram liquor fortune, was one sex cultists that was brought to the Brooklyn-based facility ahead of her sentencing. Clare was on trial for her role in NXIVM, a group that prosecutors say operated as a pyramid scheme and sex-trafficking cult. During her trail which took place on August 28, 2020 prosecutors requested that she serve life five years in prison but was dealt a harsher sentence as she was given seven.

Clare was accused to have used her fortune to help fund the organization and allegedly spent more than $100 million of her $2.6 billion estimated net worth to fund the group. Clare was one of five co-conspirators in the cult-like organization of sex slaves that was founded by 60-year-old Keith Raniere.

In connection to the case Keith was convicted on charges including racketeering and sex trafficking in June 2019. During his trial, Keith was found guilty of coercing a string of women into having sex with him as the charismatic leader of a life-coaching group he founded in New York state. Vincent 'Vinny Gorgeous' Basciano, a convicted New York City mobster, was also held at MDC before being found guilty of murder for ordering the killing of his associate Randolph Pizzolo in 2004.

He was also faced with charges of racketeering, conspiracy and other charges. Vinny became the Mafia boss of the Bonanno crime family in 2004 after the conviction and imprisonment of a number of mob figures. He was found guilty after the jury heard a tape recording of him confidently saying: "I'm a hoodlum, I'm a tough guy.

Whatever happens, happens" and later confessing to the murder. Other members of the mob testified Pizzolo's murder was carried out to prove to others that Vinny "doesn't play around." It was also allegedly done as payback in response to a drunken incident in which Pizzolo demanded to be inducted into the crime family.

Vinny was later sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole and is currently serving his time at United States Penitentiary, Coleman in Wildwood, Florida. Sayfullo Saipov, a ISIL inspired terrorist, was also housed at the jail ahead of his trial involving a terrorist attack he carried out on October 21, 2017. In the name of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (“ISIS”), Sayfullo drove a truck into a busy bike path in lower Manhattan during which he killed eight victims and injured many others.

After the terrorist act Sayfullo was found guilty of 28 counts and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This comes as he was previously considered for the death penalty but the jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision on whether or not to authorize it. Speaking on the case, U.

S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “On October 31, 2017, Sayfullo Saipov stole eight innocent lives – and devastated the lives of many more – in a horrendous terrorist attack. This evil act was fueled by Saipov’s allegiance to ISIS, an allegiance which Saipov proudly maintained after the attack and up through his trial.

Today a jury has declined to authorize the death penalty for Saipov, and accordingly the defendant will be subject to a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.” Ex-Honduran President Metropolitan Detention Center. The former leader is doing time at the facility after facing charges of accepting millions of dollars in bribes from drug traffickers at Honduran National Directorate of Special Forces in April of 2022.

This comes as he had previously led Honduras as president from 2014 to 2022. During his trial, Hernandez was sentenced to 45 years in prison for his conviction on drug and firearm offenses. A New York jury found him guilty after aiding the smuggling of hundreds of tons of cocaine to America.

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