Italy sees 2025 GDP growth of at least 1.2%, junior minister says


Italy sees its economy expanding by at least 1.2% in 2025, a Treasury junior minister told Reuters, as the government prepares its medium-term structural budget plan to be submitted to the European Commission by Sept. 20.

Italian daily Il Sole 24 Ore reported on Sunday Rome would set a 2025 GDP growth target of 1.3% or 1.4% when factoring in the expansionary impact of planned tax cuts and higher spending.

Excluding policy changes, Rome expects growth of 1.1% next year, the newspaper added. "An estimate of 1.

2% for 2025 works, if it is higher we will be happy," Economy Ministry Undersecretary Federico Freni told Reuters on the sidelines of the TEHA business forum in Cernobbio. Last April the Treasury forecast gross domestic product growth of 1% this year and 1.2% in 2025 under a no-policy-change scenario, without setting more ambitious goals.

Il Sole 24 Ore reported that Italy's deficit-to-GDP ratio could fall below 4% this year against the expected 4.3% estimate made in April due to a positive trend in tax revenues..