MURRAY, Utah (ABC4 Utah) - Intermountain Health’s pharmacy on-demand services are expanding to bring faster access to common medications and medical needs without having to see a doctor first.This expansion increases the number of pharmacy products patients can access in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana.“Intermountain’s on-demand services are helping reach the goal of bringing healthcare closer to home, and making access to care more convenient for patients,” said Jeff Olson, pharmacy population health director at Intermountain Health.
“By not having to make an appointment to see your doctor, those times are open for other patients who need to get in, alleviating the strain on providers.”Since 2022, Intermountain’s on-demand pharmacy has offered patients some low-risk medications like smoking cessation treatment, birth control, and naloxone. Now those options include hair loss treatment, erectile dysfunction medication, period pain relief, and at-home colon cancer screenings, among others.
Patients can access medications and treatments by filling out an online form and speaking with a pharmacist on the phone. If the pharmacist doesn’t see any medical issues or complications, then the medication is shipped directly to the patient.Depending on which service is selected, it costs around $20-$50 for the virtual appointment, and the patient pays for the medication, which in some cases is covered by insurance.
In Utah, on-demand services also now include at-home lab draws where a phlebotomist visits your home to get the samples and sends them directly to the lab for testing. While this will be convenient for many, it also makes things easier for patients who may be unable to make it to a medical office for testing.“In this day and age, we’ve come accustomed to fast service brought right to our door and we’re trying to bring that model to some aspects of healthcare,” said Olson.
For more information about Intermountain Health’s on demand services, click here.CloseThanks for signing up!Watch for us in your inbox.Subscribe NowABC4 Daily NewsSIGN UP NOWif ( window.
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