Integra Resources Corp. ( NYSEAMERICAN:ITRG – Free Report ) – Investment analysts at Raymond James decreased their FY2025 earnings per share estimates for Integra Resources in a research report issued on Thursday, January 23rd. Raymond James analyst B.
Macarthur now expects that the company will post earnings per share of $0.12 for the year, down from their prior estimate of $0.13.
The consensus estimate for Integra Resources’ current full-year earnings is ($0.21) per share. ITRG has been the subject of a number of other research reports.
HC Wainwright cut their price objective on shares of Integra Resources from $3.75 to $2.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research report on Wednesday, January 15th.
Cormark raised Integra Resources to a “moderate buy” rating in a report on Monday, November 11th. Finally, Desjardins raised Integra Resources to a “moderate buy” rating in a report on Thursday, October 31st. Integra Resources Price Performance Shares of Integra Resources stock opened at $0.
95 on Friday. Integra Resources has a 12-month low of $0.64 and a 12-month high of $1.
28. The company has a market cap of $160.14 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -2.
88 and a beta of 1.35. Institutional Investors Weigh In On Integra Resources An institutional investor recently raised its position in Integra Resources stock.
Renaissance Technologies LLC raised its position in Integra Resources Corp. ( NYSEAMERICAN:ITRG – Free Report ) by 106.3% during the 2nd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The firm owned 309,989 shares of the company’s stock after purchasing an additional 159,709 shares during the quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC owned 0.35% of Integra Resources worth $286,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.
Institutional investors own 26.67% of the company’s stock. About Integra Resources ( Get Free Report ) Integra Resources Corp.
, a precious metals exploration and development company, engages in the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties in the Great Basin of the Western United States. The company explores for gold and silver deposits. It primarily focuses on developing DeLamar Project located in southwestern Idaho; and the Wildcat and Mountain View Projects located in western Nevada.
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