Important public have confidence in police - PM

A review of police accountability over fatal shootings will be finished by the home secretary.


It is important the public have confidence in the police and the police have confidence in the government, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said as he announced a review into police accountability. An investigation into how police officers who take fatal shots in the line of duty are held to account, initially launched by the previous government, will now be completed by Home Secretary Yvette Cooper. More details will be revealed when she makes a statement to the House of Commons later.

It comes days after police officer Martyn Blake was . "We are going to pick [the probe] up and complete that accountability review because it is important that the public have confidence in the police including of course the armed police,” Sir Keir said. “It's also important that the police know that we have confidence in them doing a very difficult job, so we will pick that up.

” Under the current law, every armed police officer is personally responsible for their actions. Officers cannot use more force than is necessary to neutralise a threat. A superior officer cannot tell a police officer to pull the trigger - nor can there be a pre-emptive tactical decision to shoot a suspect whatever the circumstances.

On Monday, police officer Mr Blake was found not guilty of murdering Chris Kaba, who he shot in the head during a police vehicle stop in south London two years ago. The Met said the officer, who was suspended throughout the process, would be immediately reinstated. It has since been revealed that Mr Kaba days before his own death.

Reacting to the verdict Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley said no police officer was above the law but said the force had been clear "the system holding police to account is broken". "I worry about the lack of support officers face for doing their best, but most of all, I worry for the public," he said. "The more we crush the spirit of good officers, the less they can fight crime - that risks London becoming less safe.

" Neil Basu, a former assistant commissioner in the Met, said there was a lack of confidence in the criminal justice system from Black communities and within the police itself, including firearms officers. "Policing knows that and is going to have to do a lot to build that trust back," he told Radio 4's Today programme. "That is a serious problem for the home secretary, it is a serious problem for the most senior police officer in the country and his colleagues.

"[A review] that is open to both sides would be incredibly important in this case." Abimbola Johnson, a barrister on a scrutiny board set up by the National Police Chiefs Council in the summer to boost confidence among minority ethnic people, warned against using the Kaba case to push for legislative change. "It is already extremely rare for us to see police officers being prosecuted under the criminal justice system for action they have conducted whilst in the line of duty," she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

She added: "This is not a typical case, therefore, using this as a reason to push for legislative change, it doesn't make sense, because this isn't normally what would happen throughout the process.".