‘I’m proud to work for the NHS’: Celebrating Overseas NHS Workers’ Day

Frontline and support staff from around the world were celebrated by Bolton NHS Foundation Trust as part of Overseas NHS Workers’ Day 2025 last week


Frontline and support staff from around the world were celebrated by Bolton NHS Foundation Trust as part of Overseas NHS Workers’ Day last week. The annual day of celebration, which took place on Friday, March 7, recognises the invaluable contributions international workers bring to the NHS in Bolton. Bolton NHS Foundation Trust , which received its status in 2008, proudly recognises 67 different nationalists working across the organisation and providing the best care possible for the borough's communities.

Ana arrived in the UK in 2015 after spending 10 years in community pharmacy in Portugal. (Image: Bolton NHS FT) Ana Freitas, chief pharmacist at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, was born in the Portuguese village, Viana do Castelo, and arrived in the UK in 2015 after spending 10 years in community pharmacy in Portugal. Ana said: “Starting from scratch and rebuilding my clinical pharmacy knowledge, including going back to university to complete a postgraduate degree in clinical pharmacy in a new country and language, was a major challenge.

“Becoming chief pharmacist for Bolton is perhaps the most rewarding achievement of all. “The trust and confidence placed in me for this role, after everything I’ve experienced over the past 10 years, has made the move to the UK truly worthwhile. “I’m proud to work for the NHS because it represents a commitment to providing high-quality healthcare to all, regardless of background or ability to pay.

Being part of an organisation that plays such a vital role in people’s lives, especially in times of need, is incredibly rewarding.” Overseas NHS Workers’ Day is organised by the Doctors’ Association UK to recognise how vital overseas workers are to fulling the NHS’s mission, keeping services running and providing high quality care to local populations. READ MORE > Bolton remembers and pays tribute on Covid Reflection Day READ MORE > Bolton Royal Hospital's record breaking number of patients READ MORE > Bolton mum's plea over 'catastrophic' BBL procedures Vikas Malik, ear, nose and throat (ENT) consultant at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, completed his medical qualifications in India before relocating to the United Kingdom in 2003, where he embarked on his journey in ENT training in the North West.

He said: “In 2007, I worked as an ENT registrar at Royal Bolton Hospital. During my time there, I was deeply impressed by the hospital’s work culture, which prioritises support and inclusivity among healthcare professionals. Vikas completed his medical qualifications in India before relocating to the United Kingdom in 2003, where he embarked on his journey in ENT training in the North West.

(Image: Bolton NHS FT) “Royal Bolton Hospital is renowned for its dedication to patient-centred care, ensuring that every healthcare provider is empowered to deliver safe, high-quality treatments that truly prioritise patient needs. “Given the positive environment and professional values I experienced, returning to Royal Bolton as an ENT consultant was an obvious choice for me. “Bolton NHS Foundation Trust presents numerous opportunities for ongoing learning, career advancement, and skill enhancement, empowering me and my peers to grow professionally and develop our expertise in the field.
