'I'm a waste expert - keep rats away from your bins with this advice'

Paul Jackson, a waste expert at NRC Business Waste, has shone a light on ways to keep rats away from your rubbish bin. He claims that even putting your bin in the wrong place can encourage a rodent infestation


Rats can be a nightmare to deal with - especially if they're nibbling on leftovers in your rubbish bin. But fear not - Paul Jackson, a waste expert at NRC Business Waste , has game-changing advice to help you steer clear of a nightmarish rodent infestation. While it may sound straightforward, he suggests it's first crucial to understand the factors that rats are attracted to if you are keen to eliminate them.

Unsurprisingly, this includes warmth, shelter, and a big source of food - which your bin may have in abundance. "Securing bin lids and avoiding moist areas can significantly reduce the risk of rat infestations," Paul stressed. "Look out for signs like partially nibbled food, holes in packaging, small droppings, nests, tracks, and a distinct musky odour.

Identification early on helps in swift and effective prevention." Believe it or not, Paul also suggests that 'strategic bin placement' is key to deterring any nearby pests. Avoiding locations near heat sources or direct sunlight is a good place to start as he explains it will 'minimise smells and decomposition'.

Albeit gruesome, Paul asserts that giving your bin a regular clean can help too - especially if your trash seems quite smelly. He went on: "Proper bin maintenance is a simple yet effective way to deter rats. Regularly cleaning bins, securing lids, and promptly replacing broken bins not only keeps rats at bay but also ensures proper waste containment and hygiene.


Compost heaps, while great for gardening, can attract rats [too]. Keep these separate from your bin store and be mindful of their placement. This ensures that your waste management efforts don't unintentionally invite unwanted pests.

" Paul's rodent insight comes as experts have warned that rodents are now growing to the size of 'small dogs' - a chilling revelation that might make you feel as though you're living in a horror film. Feeding on our discarded 'KFC' and leftover takeaway boxes, a Mirror exclusive suggested these pesky creatures are bulking up on protein, with their stomachs and appetites only getting larger. Paul also added: "Rats carry diseases like Leptospirosis, which can lead to serious health issues.

It’s important to address rat infestations promptly to prevent the spread of diseases through contaminated surfaces." What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below.