IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq presides over SIL’s final moot court tournament

Honourable Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court, Mr Justice Aamer Farooq, presided over the School of International Law's (SIL) Final Moot Court Tournament.


Honourable Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court, Mr Justice Aamer Farooq, presided over the School of International Law's (SIL) Final Moot Court Tournament. Students had the honour of presenting their arguments before Honourable Justice Aamer Farooq and received invaluable advice and feedback on their research and advocacy skills. The Honourable Chief Justice praised the students for their resilience, particularly in handling challenging questions from the judges.

Commending their efforts, he remarked, “Winning and losing are part of learning; what matters is your consistency and dedication to improving your skills.” He further encouraged students to participate in as many advocacy exercises as possible, as these experiences would greatly benefit their future careers as legal practitioners. Ms Maheen Zeeshan, who served as a co-judge for the proceedings, congratulated the students on their advocacy practice throughout the year.

The Principal of the School of International Law (SIL), Ms Nida Tareen, presented a shield of gratitude to the esteemed guest and thanked him for taking time out of his busy schedule to attend the event. Pentagon expected to send migrants to Guantanamo this weekend "At SIL, we focus on providing academic excellence along with practical legal training for all our students," she said. "A legal degree is incomplete without advocacy training, and we ensure that our students actively participate in mock trials and moot tournaments throughout the academic year.
