'I will never forget what you have done for me' - child thanks Bradford care home

A child thanked a care home in Bradford as it was rated 'Outstanding' in certain areas.


A CHILD thanked a care home in Bradford as it was rated 'Outstanding' in certain areas. Woodlands, which is run by Hexagon Care Services, received the highest rating when it came to the overall experiences and progress of children, and how well young people were helped and protected. A 'Good' rating was then given for the effectiveness of leaders at the home, which supports six children who need additional help for various reasons.

Inspectors said it combines a warm and welcoming home environment in which staff “want the best for all children and are committed to helping children achieve in all areas of their lives. "Children are settled, happy and are making progress,” according to the report. The inspector continued to note that the Hexagon team has given the children, both current residents and those who have left care, more opportunities in life.

“Children describe feeling loved and cared about in cards they sent to staff when they moved out of the home. One child wrote, ‘I felt loved, appreciated, cared for, listened to and safe. "You taught me how to let people in when I needed to the most.

’ Another child wrote, ‘Thank you for all you have done for me’”, the inspector said. The inspector added: “Children are provided with outstanding help and support to prepare them to live independently when they reach adulthood. Outcomes for children who have moved out of this home have been highly positive.

“The children who have recently moved on have engaged in further education, training, or full-time employment. "Some children have learned to drive, and some children have secured their own private tenancies. "Children continue their friendships, and they keep in touch with staff and the other children who currently live at the home.

"One child wrote, ‘Thank you for helping me have a better understanding of life and helping me turn from a teenager into a young adult. I will never forget what you have done for me’,” the inspector noted. Charlotte Cooke, Service Manager at Hexagon Care Services, said: "The Ofsted inspector noted that the child has built secure and trusted attachments with all members of the staff team and helped them to make extraordinary progress in their time in Woodlands.

“This Outstanding rating is due to the entire team; we are committed to continuing to give the young people we support their best life possibilities.”.