I took a pill to help fix my drinking problem - Annabel Fenwick Elliott

Telegraph - OPINION: What it's like to take a drug to stop problem drinking.


THREE KEY FACTS Naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, helps reduce alcohol cravings, with a near-80% success rate. The Sinclair Method uses naltrexone to break the association between alcohol and its rewarding effects. Despite its effectiveness, naltrexone remains under-prescribed due to regulatory challenges and a lack of awareness.

Annabel Fenwick Elliott is a British freelance writer and editor based in England with a diverse career background in lifestyle, travel, news, fashion, advertising and publishing. OPINION Am I an alcoholic? It’s a question I’ve asked myself many times over more than a decade. That alone is enough for most addiction counsellors to confirm that yes, I probably fulfil the criteria.

Along with an estimated 10 million adults in England who regularly exceed Government guidelines on alcohol consumption, and a further 600,000 who are dependent on it..