I found out my husband was having an affair but did nothing about it – there’s a good reason I’ll never leave him


A WOMAN has revealed why she refuses to leave her husband even though she knows about his infidelity. Taking to social media, she revealed the couple were happy and he was a perfect husband and dad - apart from cheating on her. She wrote: "I'll start by saying this: my husband is a great husband.

"He's kind, he's a wonderful father, he does more than his fair share of the housework, he makes good money and treats me well. "We have a great lifestyle, we've been married for 15 years with ups and downs but my friends constantly tell me how lucky I am to have him." But one night a few months ago she went through her husband's phone and found he was massaging another woman.

READ MORE ON RELATIONSHIPS She found explicit messages, times they had met up - proving it was a physical affair too, and even messages confessing their love for each other. "He talks about parenting stuff, like apologising for being quiet because he was busy with taking care of our son , and more specific stuff about parenting troubles," she continued. "He's mentioned me, so she knows I exist, but I didn't see him mention me much.

" Curious as to who the woman was, she decided to find her on social media saying she looked much younger than her and seemed successful. Most read in Fabulous She added that she did think about confronting her partner but decided against it. She explained: "I was shocked when I found out.

But the more I've thought about it I've decided to say nothing. If I confront him then our lives will completely change. Our sons life will change.

"I don't know how he'd react, if he'd deny it or end it or leave me and run off with her, I mean he told her he loves her." She revealed they had a nice and stable life and she wasn't prepared to lose it over an affair. "It hurts when I see him texting on his phone, or when he's late home from work, or when he makes an excuse to disappear for a night.

But does it hurt more than losing this life we have would?" she questioned. "I don't want my son to grow up spending his time between two households. I don't want to be single and have to find someone new.

" People can be tempted to cheat for many reasons, here we look at just some of the reasons that can lead people astray. Unhappiness/Dissatisfaction: According to Very Well Mind dissatisfaction with the marriage is the common reason for affairs. A sexless marriage is often claimed as a reason for both men and women.

Feeling unappreciated : Being undervalued by your partner can lead to infidelity. The affair can help the person feel a sense of worth. Boredom: Falling out of love is often cited as a reason to cheat - with many trying to find 'the spark' again.

Body image/aging : Middle-aged people can often find themselves in flings with people much younger than them. Being with someone younger can be a way for them to prove to themselves they 'still have it.' She revealed she worked part time but her husband paid most of the bills and she had done an STD test to be safe which came back negative.

She also revealed she had some evidence of the affair saved in case anything were to happen. The confession was put on the Reddit forum Truth Off My Chest and went viral with 3.8k likes and thousands of comments.

People were quick to offer their advice, preparing the wife for the worst. One person wrote: "I hope one day you will want more for yourself." Another commented: "Great husbands do not have affairs.

Your son deserves two happy parents, and if you stay in this, he's going to have a mother who is not." "Why are you accepting so little of your husband and your own happiness. You could successfully co-parent.

You deserve someone who loves and cares for you," penned a third. Meanwhile a fourth said: "Sounds like you value your fancy lifestyle over anything so good luck I guess?" "Honey you are lining yourself up for disaster. Just because YOU don't want a divorce , doesn't mean HE isn't thinking about it.

Prepare yourself,” claimed a fifth. READ MORE SUN STORIES Someone else added: “A good husband doesn’t cheat. Horrible example for a son as to what a husband should be.

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