Hungary Does Its Best to Defend NATO’s Eastern Flank

The Multinational Division Command, established in the central Hungarian city of Szekesfehervar, has reached full operational readiness and the Hungarian Armed Forces will conduct another large-scale national drill this fall.


The Multinational Division Command, established in the central Hungarian city of Szekesfehervar, has reached full operational readiness and the Hungarian Armed Forces will conduct another large-scale national drill this fall. The NATO command element stationed in the central Hungarian city of Szekesfehervar has achieved full operational readiness, and this year’s 'Adaptive Hussars 25' exercise ensures that Hungary, as a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance, does everything to protect NATO’s eastern flank, said General Gabor Borondi on Saturday following a NATO Military Committee meeting in Brussels. The Chief of the General Staff informed the Military Committee that the Multinational Division Command in Central Europe has reached full operational capability, providing NATO with an indispensable command element based in Hungary.

At the two-day meeting of chiefs of defense from NATO member states, General Borondi also reported that Hungary will hold a large-scale national exercise this fall to assess the country’s resilience, societal strength, and military crisis-response capability. This will not be the first exercise of its kind in Hungary. As previously reported by Magyar Nemzet, two years ago the 'Adaptive Hussars 2023' exercise involved Italian, Turkish, Croatian, and American allied units in a highly complex operation spanning a significant portion of the country.

The exercise mobilized most of the Hungarian Armed Forces and a substantial part of state administration. Both the defense ministry and allied military representatives praised the results of the event. At their recent meeting in Brussels, top military leaders reviewed the ongoing operations, agreeing on the need to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank, enhance troop and equipment levels, and ensure adequate training.

General Borondi emphasized that maintaining connections and holding meetings with partners are of utmost importance to chiefs of defense. In addition to the 32 NATO member states, military leaders from 27 partner nations attended the Military Committee meeting, representing regions from around the world, including New Zealand, Japan, Qatar, Tunisia, Algeria, and Azerbaijan. NATO knows that progress can only be achieved through alliances and with friends, – General Borondi stressed, adding that the presence of non-NATO countries also provides the strength and the alliance system that reinforces NATO's deterrence capabilities.

The future undoubtedly belongs to alliances and cooperation, as confirmed at the Brussels meeting, – he concluded. Hungarian Logistic Support for British Units The Hungarian Armed Forces are prepared to host NATO troops and actively contribute to the year’s largest NATO exercise by facilitating the transit of allied forces, Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky announced on Saturday. According to the minister, approximately 10,000 soldiers from nine NATO member states will participate in the Steadfast Dart 2025 exercise, which mobilizes the NATO Allied Response Force (ARF), the alliance’s new rapid response unit.

The exercise will take place from February 7 to 21 in Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece. Mr. Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated that Hungary’s military bases in Papa and Szentes will provide accommodation, rest areas, and supplies to more than 400 British troops en route to Romania.

These troops represent the lead nation for the exercise. The main forces will travel in convoys of 20–25 vehicles, moving in phases primarily at night, along the Rajka–Papa–Szentes–Nagylak route between January 20 and 22. Similar support will be provided for the return journey in late March.

Cover Photo: Adaptive Hussars 2023 exercise: The Hungarian Armed Forces' PzH2000 self-propelled howitzers in action. (Photo: Tamas Vasvari) A téma legfrissebb hírei Fidesz VP Welcomed with Standing Ovation in Washington The Patriots' delegation, led by Kinga Gal and Santiago Abascal, was greeted by Tucker Carlson and Rick Santorum. FM Szijjarto Highlights the Importance of Hungary–Romania Cooperation Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Peter Szijjarto, is visiting Bucharest.

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FM Szijjarto Highlights the Importance of Hungary–Romania Cooperation Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Peter Szijjarto, is visiting Bucharest. Orban to Meet Fico on Tuesday The Slovak prime minister announced the news on his social media. Balazs Hidveghi: Brussels Wants a Puppet Government, but Hungary Stands Firm Results of the national consultation survey reinforced national sovereignty.

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FM Szijjarto Highlights the Importance of Hungary–Romania Cooperation Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Peter Szijjarto, is visiting Bucharest. Orban to Meet Fico on Tuesday The Slovak prime minister announced the news on his social media. Balazs Hidveghi: Brussels Wants a Puppet Government, but Hungary Stands Firm Results of the national consultation survey reinforced national sovereignty.

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