How To Brew Obfuscation in JavaScript Without Burning the Lab: AST, Babel, Plugins

We've learned about obfuscation, a technique that complicates code reverse engineering, and the tools to implement it. Although there are public solutions that obfuscate JavaScript code, there are just as many public solutions that can remove this protection in an instant.Therefore, you need to write your own solutions to protect code that can't be removed by public deobfuscators. One reliable way to implement obfuscation in JS is to write custom babel plugins that interact with the AST of the desired code, turning it into a less readable form.Of course, this area has known techniques and approaches to obfuscation, but nevertheless remains open to creativity and new “tricks” that can potentially make learning the code more difficult. Despite the large number of such techniques, they do not guarantee the secrecy of algorithms at all, because code is always “in the hands” of the client. Besides, there is a possibility of debugging, which can make it easier to study the code. Obfuscation allows you to rather turn away poorly motivated researchers, thus increasing the cost of reverse engineering.There are some advanced approaches, for example, one of them among obfuscation is virtualization of code, or simply speaking, creating a virtual machine in JS that will execute custom bytecode. This approach almost completely removes the chance of static analysis and makes debugging as difficult as possible. However, this is a separate subject for discussion 🍺....I hope it was useful for you to get information on this topic, and you won't blame yourself or your programmers for initially obfuscated code anymore. Appreciate these wizards 🧙🏻‍♀️! I will be glad to discuss with you the latest trends in magic here😏
