Owning a credit card is no longer just an add on to your luxurious life but has become a necessity. Credit cards provide you with great offers and deals which you can avail to save on your daily expenses. If you have an SBI credit card and wish to block it due to your personal reasons or if you card has been stolen or misplaced, here are the steps through which you can proceed: Steps to block your SBI credit card BLOCK In conclusion, you must keep in mind that once you have blocked the card, you are no longer liable to pay for any transactions done through the card after the date of blocking.
In case your credit card was stolen, you must take immediate action and report to the customer care so that you avoid paying for transactions which were not done by you. If you wish to reissue the credit card, you can easily apply for a renewal through customer care, SMS, mobile app or via email. ( Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks ).
How to block your SBI credit card? A step-by-step guide
Credit cards are vital for savings and offers. To block your SBI card due to theft or personal reasons, follow the outlined steps. Post-blocking, you're free from transaction liabilities. For reissues, contact customer care or use SMS, mobile app, or email for convenience.