How Long Is Tomato Paste Good For After Opening?

Tomato paste is a tried and tested kitchen staple. But how long is tomato paste good after opening and how can you make it keep for even longer?


When it comes to cooking, tomato paste is a true kitchen staple. It's a great addition to marinades, stews, sauces, , and so much more. Since tomato paste is concentrated, its flavors are way more intense than fresh or canned tomatoes, making it a simple way to enhance any dish.

But, because you only need to add a tiny amount when you're cooking, you can end up with an open can or tube of tomato paste sitting in the fridge for weeks. Often, by the time you need it again, it's gone off and you're left researching . So, how long is tomato paste good after opening? Well, it depends on a few factors.

If you're using tomato paste from the tube, an opened packet can last for several months in the fridge. But, this is only if you roll the tube up from the bottom to squeeze all the air out when you're using it. If you squeeze the tube from the top, air will get in and cause the tomato paste to spoil much quicker.

Tomato paste from a can will have a much shorter fridge life of around 5-7 days as it's exposed to a lot more air and harder to re-seal. How to make your tomato paste last longer Canned tomato paste is often cheaper and more readily available, so if this is your go-to, your best bet is to transfer it to an airtight container once opened. This will minimize the oxidation and keep the tomato paste fresh for longer.

You should be able to tell if your paste has spoiled since it will smell off or have visible signs of spoilage like mold spots. If you know that a few months won't be enough time to use up your tomato paste, then freezing it is your best option. Frozen tomato paste will be freshest for the first four months, but it is still safe to use after that.

A good freezing method is to dollop your desired serving sizes of paste onto a sheet pan and freeze these until firm. You can then store these individual servings in freezer bags until needed. You can add them straight from the freezer when cooking, just keep in mind it'll take a little longer to mix into your dish and heat through.

Alternatively, if you want an extra flavor boost, before adding it. Whichever storage method you choose, there won't be a wasted drop of tomato paste in sight. Recommended.