How Long Does Tofu Last After Opening?

Avoiding opening tofu until you're ready to use is a wise idea, but opened tofu can still last a little while in your fridge.


Tofu is a great plant-based protein, but with each block containing 4 to 5 servings, you might find yourself wondering how quickly you need to use it up after opening. Do you need to start planning tofu scramble for breakfast, tofu stir-fry for lunch, and tofu tacos for dinner just to avoid wasting any of it? Once opened, tofu will last about 3 to 5 days in the fridge. Make sure you're ready to use the tofu before opening the package because as soon as that seal is broken, the clock starts ticking.

Keep in mind that if you frequently remove it from the fridge to remove portions, you're likely looking at the shorter end of that shelf life. And if you accidentally leave it out at room temperature, tofu will only last 1 to 2 hours before it starts to spoil. To ensure your tofu stays as fresh as possible after opening, submerge in water inside a sealed container and change the water daily.

Now, what if you're getting close to that 5-day mark? How can you tell if your tofu has gone bad? Signs your tofu has gone bad If you're worried your tofu might have gone bad, there are several signs to watch for. The normal texture of tofu should be smooth and firm or soft and silky, depending on the type. However, when tofu starts to spoil, it can develop a slimy coating, which is a clear indication that it's no longer safe to eat.

The color of fresh tofu is usually a creamy white, but as it spoils, it may shift to a brownish shade and may even develop mold. Another key indicator is the smell. Fresh tofu typically has little to no odor, but as it starts to go bad, it will emit a sour, rotten smell.

This sour odor is not to be confused with the pungent smell of " ," a fermented delicacy sold at night markets in China and Taiwan, which, despite its strong odor, is still safe to eat and really tasty. It's important to recognize the signs of spoiled tofu as it can harbor harmful bacteria, posing a risk of foodborne illness. If you notice any troubling indicators, discard the tofu right away to avoid any potential health risks.

Ways to make your tofu last longer Although tofu's shelf life once opened is a little on the short side, there are ways to extend it so that none of that deliciousness goes to waste. Unopened tofu generally lasts 2 to 3 months in the fridge, though this can vary slightly depending on the brand and type. However, freezing can preserve tofu for 5 months – and freezing tofu enables it to better absorb flavors.

Before freezing, it's a good idea to cut the tofu into cubes or sticks — perfect for grabbing just the amount you need when you're ready to cook. You'll also want to press out excess moisture to prevent ice crystals from forming. You can do this by wrapping the tofu in a paper towel and placing a heavy pan on top for 10 to 20 minutes.

Cooking tofu is another way to prolong its usability. Cooked tofu can last up to a week in the refrigerator, a couple of days longer than raw tofu. You might consider making dishes like for a movie night with friends, and then enjoy the leftovers as a tasty snack later in the week.

Alternatively, you could try an Indian-inspired dish like , a flavorful recipe from renowned vegan food columnist, Meera Sodha. Recommended.