How Donald Trump and Kamala Harris differ on economic policy

Financial Times: Presidential candidates offer sharp contrasts on tax, trade, inflation.


Donald Trump and Kamala Harris drew the battle lines this week on the issue US voters say matters most in this year’s presidential election: the economy. Trump’s top lines came in a long speech to a Wall Street crowd on Thursday - lower taxes, cut government spending and Elon Musk will help him execute an aggressive deregulatory agenda. Harris’ message came a day earlier at a New Hampshire brewery.

She said she would raise taxes for the wealthy and big companies in order to pay for a wider social safety net, offer tax credits for child care and provide tax benefits for small business owners. With less than two months until the election, Trump and Harris are offering voters fundamentally different visions of the government’s role, who should pay for it and how to fix America’s high cost of living. Trump’s recipe to curb inflation involves boosting US energy production - already at a record high - to bring down fuel costs, even though the national average has recently drifted below US$3.

30 a gallon. The federal government would spend less, too, and Musk would find regulations to scrap..