Housing completions to fall short of the Taoiseach’s 40,000 target, says Central Bank

Housing completions will fall short of the 40,000 units that Taoiseach Simon Harris has repeatedly said will be finished this year, but the need for homes is even greater than previously thought, according to the latest Central Bank projections.


Number of new homes coming on to the market is predicted to be the same as last year The first half of this year saw a surge in housing starts, thanks to targeted government measures, but they are not translating rapidly into completions. Photo: PA Housing completions will fall short of the 40,000 units that Taoiseach Simon Harris has repeatedly said will be finished this year, but the need for homes is even greater than previously thought, according to the latest Central Bank projections. Economists at the bank have revised downwards their forecasts for housing completions in September’s Quarterly Bulletin, a regular update on the state of the economy.

The latest bulletin says completions will be 32,000, 36,500 and 39,000 in 2024, 2025 and 2026, respectively. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.