Hougang condo residents bark back at dog walking ban

More than 90 dog owners at Riverfront Residences in Hougang are howling mad over a new rule that bans dog walking in the condo's courtyard.The rule, implemented late last month, comes after reports of irresponsible owners...


More than 90 dog owners at Riverfront Residences in Hougang are howling mad over a new rule that bans dog walking in the condo's courtyard. The rule, implemented late last month, comes after reports of irresponsible owners failing to clean up after their pets. Residents received a notice from the management informing them of the ban, citing damage to the lawn and inconvenience caused to other residents by dog waste.

Beautician Madam Liu, a 46-year-old resident at the condo, shared her frustration with Shin Min Daily News. “There are many responsible dog owners in our condo,” she said. “But because of a few bad apples who don’t clean up after their dogs, all of us are now affected.

” Madam Liu admitted to occasionally spotting dog faeces on the lawn during her year living at the newly-built condo. URA and BCA probing possible unauthorised rooftop structures “If I had a poop bag with me, I would have picked it up,” she said. While the management suggests residents use the basement carpark to take their dogs out, some like Madam Liu are concerned about safety issues.

"The carpark has dim lighting and cars coming and going, it's not suitable for walking dogs," she pointed out. Over 90 dog owners have united in a chat group and written a joint e-mail to the management, expressing their dissatisfaction with the new rule. Another resident, 47-year-old finance professional Madam Ng, highlighted the difficulties faced by owners of senior dogs.

“This rule is very inconvenient for me. My dog is 13 and has mobility issues; he can only handle short walks near home," Madam Ng explained. "Instead of a blanket ban, the management should address the root of the problem and target those irresponsible owners.

This feels like a very harsh and unfair measure." Dog trainer and owner of a golden retriever, 41-year-old Miss Liang, said: “I moved from an HDB flat to this condo specifically to have more space for my dog “The management says this is part of the ‘House Rules’, but there was no mention of such restrictions when I bought the unit. If I had known, I might not have chosen to live here.

” In an e-mail response to residents, the management stated that the House Rules clearly prohibit pets from entering facilities and leisure areas, and that the basement carpark design complies with relevant regulations. They added that residents could propose amendments to the rules once the management committee is formed. While some condos do not have outright bans on ground floor activity, they have designated areas where pets are not allowed to relieve themselves.

Others permit dog walking on the ground level but mandate responsible waste disposal..