Horror as 'huge' spiders invade homes - but people swear by spray to repel them

Some homeowners are convinced there's a spray that is the best way to keep spiders at bay during mating season - while others swear by conkers. Here's what you need to know


Some homeowners are convinced there's a spray that is the best way to keep spiders at bay during mating season - while others swear by conkers. Here's what you need to know Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Spider season is upon us, with the mating period starting in September and peaking in October. This means many of us are likely to see an influx of eight-legged creatures seeking refuge in our homes as the weather gets colder and males start their hunt for females to mate with.

For those with a fear of spiders, this time of year can be a nightmare, especially considering it's not uncommon for spiders to lay hundreds of eggs during mating season. However, there are ways to deter these creepy crawlies from invading your home, and some Brits believe they've found the perfect solution. On the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips Facebook page, one frightened homeowner named Katie sought advice on how to deal with the surge of spiders that seemed to have taken over her home.

She asked: "OK people, help me. HUGE spiders, how can I stop them coming into the house?". Her question received hundreds of responses, with many advising her that due to the mating season, it would be difficult to deter the spiders unless she "blocked up every hole" in her house.

However, others offered solutions that they claimed had worked perfectly for them. Suggestions for keeping the dreaded spiders at bay during spider season are plentiful, with one person advising: "Spray WD40 around your window frames and doors. Stops all spiders, ants etc.

" Another chimed in, recommending a similar strategy with the product: "WD40 around windows (not on glass. Don't need much, just a light spray. Keeps EVERYTHING out.

" Adding to the array of home remedies, another individual shared their success with natural repellents: "I found that spraying eucalyptus or peppermint mixed with water around window and door frames have worked for me." Another concurred, mentioning: "Peppermint they don't like the smell. Essential oil mix it with water put in spray bottle.

Spray around windows and doors." As for the traditional notion that conkers can ward off these eight-legged creatures, the Woodland Trust casts doubt on its efficacy, stating: "The story goes that conkers contain a noxious chemical that repels spiders but no-one's ever been able to scientifically prove it. There's hearsay that if a spider gets close to a conker it will curl its legs up and die within one day.

" However, those stocking up on conkers may be disappointed, as this old wives' tale lacks scientific support. But scientists do agree that potent aromas, like those from fragrant plants, can repel them. Evie Lane, a gardening expert at Primrose, recommends having basil, lavender, mint, rosemary and eucalyptus around the house, as these robust scents can help keep spiders at bay.
