Let the music play in the background while you juggle between the umpteen tasks you have running in the background, Cancer. Time has come to let your potential awaken. Although you cannot yet see how you will rise, allow your Angels to sweep in and raise the bar so that you can walk through comfortably.
Burn away your fears, burn away your agony. Remember Leo, life must move in balance and harmony – there is no other way. Aggression when channeled wisely can lead to creative outbursts and solutions.
Anger when aimlessly let loose, can destroy nations, break down families and damage innocent souls. Break away from the shackles of society, conditioning, labels and stature. At the core of it all, Sagittarius, who are you and who do you wish to be remembered as? What is your truest essence? Pay close attention to what is flowing in and out of your life.
Adapt, transform and transcend to keep up with the ever evolving nature of things. Being consumed by the want and need to do more, be more and keep going has it’s highs but it also steals you away from the joy of being more present, more conscious, more open and willing to learn, accept and see and more ability to simply be, Pisces. This is your time to detox, detach and purify your mind, body and soul.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.Aries Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025Something will come off this situation, only if you allow yourself to take charge, act and design a different approach to the same challenge. Aries, lateral thinking is not always easy, we get it! When you are used to thinking a certain way, when you are used to acting a certain way and when you are used to viewing things from the same lens, it takes conscious effort to redesign your route to the same old path.
Reveling in the ruins of your past may only keep you energetically chained in them. Viewing them as pieces of historic significance may help you study them from a different lens leading you towards insights and solutions you feel prepared to take charge of. There are a million ways to move forward, and it is up to you to decide which route is the most alluring.
Cosmic tip: Believe a little more in yourself.Taurus Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025How much are you willing to give directly corresponds to how much you are opening up to receive. Taurus, we are not talking about self-sacrifice.
We are speaking of devotion to your craft, your vision, your purpose, your mission, you very reason for showing up in the world each day - be it to care for your family or to contribute and seed light in other ways on the planet. The true mark of a master is their ability to stay open and gentle in the most vulnerable times, to not let old scabs shut their hearts out for good. Things will come your way - only if you are willing to look at them from a fresh perspective.
Choose to set yourself free from your past self.Cosmic tip: Time to go all in to hit the jackpot.Gemini Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025It's time to break free of the illusions that bind you you down and gently release yourself from the grip of trauma and brokenness that you have perceived in the past.
Consider viewing the fragments of your life and your skills as pieces that string together to create something magnanimous. Detoxify your soul and your inner memories of all the unnecessarily heavy burdens you carry, tap into your inner power to alchemise lead to gold, and then, find that inner strength to give wings to your angelic parts.Cosmic tip: You are not a part, but the sum of all the experiences you choose to hold on to.
Cancer Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025Let the music play in the background while you juggle between the umpteen tasks you have running in the background, Cancer. Time has come to let your potential awaken. Although you cannot yet see how you will rise, allow your Angels to sweep in and raise the bar so that you can walk through comfortably.
You must let your inner dragon unleash and trust that it knows the path you must take to get to where you need to. There is a sense of fear and uncertainty in your vibe, Cancer, but the cosmos chimes in to let you know that at this point where anything is possible, dare to dream your biggest, most unrealistic but deeply held dreams.Cosmic tip: When in doubt, surrender.
Leo Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025Burn away your fears, burn away your agony. Remember Leo, life must move in balance and harmony - there is no other way. Aggression when channeled wisely can lead to creative outbursts and solutions.
Anger when aimlessly let loose, can destroy nations, break down families and damage innocent souls. You may have a lot to heal, but it is also your duty to heal responsibly. Whatever triggers you are posed with, try not to let them become daggers that stab you dry.
Allow them to feel like needles that prick you at the right spots to alleviate underlying stress.Cosmic tip: Other people’s versions of you are of no use to you. So stop and focus inward.
Virgo Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025How much will you keep course correcting and transforming! Stop, Virgo, it is getting tiresome. What if for one day, you simply accepted yourself just as you are? What if you deactivated the nit-picking mode in your life temporarily and really looked at all your qualities as qualities - without labels and judgements. Doesn’t that thought make you feel light? Isn't it so good to feel so fluid and relaxed.
Now please, carry this forward into your day. Unwind, make some time for that foot spa, let your hair go astray in the wind, wear that mismatched piece of clothing for a run if you like - who cares! Simply focus on the most important thing today - loving yourself.Cosmic tip: Feel everything to feel complete.
Libra Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025Stop living other people’s stories in your head on loop, Libra. Their traumas are for them to carry. You played your part in supporting them, now enough.
This is the time for you to look inward, into your inner realms, see your truth, let your true self come out and shine, play or simply do whatever feels most authentic. Listen to your own voice, narrate your own scripts and stop putting everyone else before you every single time. It is a stupendous quality to care for another, but don’t let that turn into martyrdom on autopilot.
Cosmic tip: The Universe is asking you - are you sure to get onto the next phase of your life? Say, yes and jump right in.Scorpio Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025What you wish for and what you say to yourself constantly are two different dialogues, Scorpio. How would that future version of you that has what you are working towards accept as worthy and admissible.
What boundaries would feel healthy? What confidence would they exude? What amount of faith in the cosmos and in themselves would they move with? That is the exact vibe you must bring into your life. Wanting to become the king while still thinking like a pauper won’t get you anywhere. Strategise, put your skills to good use, believe in your strengths enough to camouflage your shortcomings and allow your guides to send you assistance in the form of people, resources, opportunities and other creative ways to make the most of this vortex you are walking through.
Cosmic tip: Let your magical dragon of light rise.Sagittarius Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025Break away from the shackles of society, conditioning, labels and stature. At the core of it all, Sagittarius, who are you and who do you wish to be remembered as? What is your truest essence? Pay close attention to what is flowing in and out of your life.
Adapt, transform and transcend to keep up with the ever evolving nature of things. What you choose to invite in your life, space and being must be of the highest, purest quality - not materially alone, but even spiritually, emotionally and mentally. By being flexible in your now, you choose freedom, peace and expansion.
You choose the highest possible path available to you.Cosmic tip: Those who are free will always choose love.Capricorn Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025When you spin around the world only to come to the realisation that it is your point zero that you crave the most - that feeling of detached happiness, that feeling of having everything you need in this moment, that feeling of not wanting to rush onto the next big thing in your life - that is you having actually arrived in life, Capricorn.
This is not to be mixed with lack of drive. Growth is the only constant for a thirsty soul like you. This juncture in your life is only amplifying your ability to find completion and contentment in your hustle and grind.
Now you are ready to set your armour aside and walk the rest of the way to the victory post in the most gracious and peaceful manner, because you know that although you will win, it doesn’t really matter if you do in someone else's eyes.Cosmic tip: Fresh wind is blowing in your direction.Aquarius Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025What can be said kindly, must be put forth in that manner, and what you feel absolutely must be said, find a kinder way of saying it, Aquarius.
There is little point in playing tug of war with someone or something that vibrates at a different wavelength from you, it probably does nothing to them, it drains the living daylights out of you, it steals your precious peace and it lowers your vibration. Now tell us, is it really worth it? Hold your faith, keep your eyes on the prize while also, holding space for heartfelt, honest and transparent communication with the gentlest tone you can possibly adopt. Cosmic tip: Embody the frequency you wish to live on.
Pisces Horoscope Today: March 9, 2025Being consumed by the want and need to do more, be more and keep going has it’s highs but it also steals you away from the joy of being more present, more conscious, more open and willing to learn, accept and see and more ability to simply be, Pisces. This is your time to detox, detach and purify your mind, body and soul. Ditch that extra cup of coffee, hit snooze on that alarm clock and simply give your body and mind more of what it is craving - including some stimulation in the form of gentle stretches, new hobbies or higher learning.
Everything has it’s time and now is the time to release and relax.Cosmic tip: Transcend lifetimes in a fleeting moment of deep, pure joy..