Hillside Academy Owner Announces Changes and Support Plans After Fire

On Tuesday, David Kinyua, the owner of Hillside Endarasha Academy, announced changes being implemented at the school following the handover from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) for renovations. This decision comes in the wake of a tragic fire that claimed the lives of 21 pupils at the school, leaving a profound impact on the community. Kinyua expressed his heartfelt sorrow over the tragedy, urging Kenyans to keep the affected community in their prayers. “I have been deeply saddened by this tragedy. I was with the students for 13 years, and I never expected this to happen,” Kinyua stated inThe post Hillside Academy Owner Announces Changes and Support Plans After Fire appeared first on Nairobi Wire.


On Tuesday, David Kinyua, the owner of Hillside Endarasha Academy, announced changes being implemented at the school following the handover from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) for renovations. This decision comes in the wake of a tragic fire that claimed the lives of 21 pupils at the school, leaving a profound impact on the community. Kinyua expressed his heartfelt sorrow over the tragedy, urging Kenyans to keep the affected community in their prayers.

Kinyua stated in a heartfelt video message. He continued in Swahili, saying, which translates to, Kinyua informed the press that the school had received permission to start repairs on the dormitory. ” he said Kinyua further clarified that the dormitory that burned down would not be renovated; instead, a new one would be constructed at a different location.

To prevent re-traumatization, especially for boys returning to their dorms, he mentioned that the pathway leading to the former building has been closed. To provide further support, Kinyua announced the formation of a committee dedicated to ensuring that all pupils who lost their belongings in the fire receive the necessary assistance. He emphasized that parents would not need to repurchase any items when the school resumes.

he explained. Regarding the school’s reopening, Kinyua revealed that he called for a prayer meeting with parents on Monday to discuss the next steps and facilitate a smooth transition for the pupils. he stated.

In an effort to create more space, Kinyua announced that the school would reduce the number of boarders from 330 to 195 pupils. he said. Currently, 87 boys and 98 girls will be boarders, while the rest will attend as day scholars.

Previously, there were 164 boys and 166 girls. Finally, Kinyua expressed gratitude to the DCI, stating that they are eagerly awaiting the report on the investigations into the inferno. the director concluded.
