Heritage Foundation President Notes Organization Hasn't Even Endorsed Trump


PROJECT 2025 ...

the document that would give Donald Trump "the unchecked power to restrict our freedoms," according to Tim Walz. Kamala Harris has vowed to defeat "Donald Trump's Project 2025," which would give Trump "unprecedented power" to b an abortion nationwide, r ip away affordable health care, and c ancel student loan relief. What is it, some book drawn up by a think tank or the One Ring? Kamala Harris is still flat-out lying about Project 2025 being Trump's: Learn more about Trump’s extreme Project 2025: https://t.

co/oJvkPSSUIP pic.twitter.com/Vyk1tTR7LC So let's get this straight — you can learn more about Project 2025 from Harris' website than her own policies? Trump even told Harris straight to her face during the ABC presidential debate: Number one, I have nothing to do, as you know and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025.

That's out there. I haven't read it. I don't want to read it, purposely.

I'm not going to read it. This was a group of people that got together, they came up with some ideas. That group was the Heritage Foundation, and as Paul Sperry reports, even its president told Fox News that not only had Trump never endorsed Project 2025 .

.. Heritage hadn't even endorsed Trump.

BREAKING: The prez of Heritage Foundation, which published the 922-pp "Project 2025" conservative guide, confirmed on Fox that Trump never collaborated on it & never endorsed it. "Mr. Trump is telling the truth," Heritage's Kevin Roberts said, adding Heritage hasnt endorsed Trump So the democrats are lying? 🤥 How strange! Kamala is a serial liar.

The whole thing on its face is silly, they would never have worked with Trump on it. They’re a 501c(3) But thanks for also putting this confirmation out We'll expect Harris to immediately cancel her ads, saying that it's "Donald Trump's Project 2025". But she won't.

Send this to @DavidMuir Was this the one untruth CNN managed to capture from Harris during the debate? That Project 2025 is Trump's? Wait until the Heritage Foundation endorses Kamala...

🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/ibX6pJYQ9W Doesn't count per dems.

That was the Dems #1 talking point. Well, that and Charlottesville. Wonder where they turned now that both have been irrefutably debunked.

It's guaranteed they'll stick with both. Democrats don't care if Trump has not endorsed it. It's all they have to use to terrify their low IQ voters.

Heritage fired Jim DeMint for supporting Trump. They aren’t on my Christmas list. Conspiracy theorists 695-0.

It doesn’t matter, they’ll never ever stop trying to link him to it. Nope ..

. Harris certainly isn't going to put herself out there for any interviews to address it or all of her flip-flops from her failed 2020 presidential campaign. ***.