Did you forget to chill that bottle of champagne before the celebration? Fortunately, it doesn't take long to chill champagne in the freezer, but there are a few other ways to chill a whole bottle, as well. The simplest solution is to pop the bottle into the freezer for at least 15 minutes. First, wet some paper towels with cool water and wrap them around the bottle.
Cover every inch of the bottle, using two to four sheets of paper towel if needed. Lay the bottle on its side or set it horizontally. Just make sure that the bottle stays covered in the paper towel.
The wet paper towels will freeze and bring the liquid's temperature down to . After 15 to 20 minutes, unwrap the bottle. There should be a few signs of frost on the glass.
If you think it's not cold enough yet, set the bottle in the freezer for another 5 to 10 minutes. Unwrap the bottle, , and enjoy. If freezer space is a problem, there are other ways to chill a whole bottle in minutes.
An easy method is an ice water bath. Submerging the bottle in a bucket of ice water will help bring the liquid inside to a properly chilled temperature in about 15 minutes. Find a bucket or deep container like the kitchen sink or a large stock pot.
Fill the container with equal parts water and ice and let the bottle sit for 15 minutes. There are faster, more creative ways to chill champagne You could cut 8 to 10 minutes off the chilling time by dissolving a half pound of salt into the water of the ice bath. This method can chill multiple bottles (if space permits) in six to eight minutes in one salty ice bath.
Another suggestion for quick chilling is only good for occasions where aesthetics don't matter. Pour the champagne into a resealable freezer bag and place the whole bag into an ice bath. It will chill the champagne after two to three minutes but you must put it in a freezer bag for this to work.
If there's no place to chill the bottle, chill the glassware instead. Thinner glass will chill the small amount of liquid much faster than the whole bottle. Fill the glasses with champagne and put them into the freezer for 10 minutes.
The challenge will be finding space so the glasses can sit upright because the champagne will remain liquid and spillable, so organize the freezer accordingly to avoid a mess. Of course, if you had a chance to grab the bottle ahead of time you could simply . Recommended.
Here's How Long You Should Chill Champagne In The Freezer
Sometimes life gets away from you and you don't have a chance to grab the champagne ahead of time. If that's you, here's how to chill it quickly in the freezer.