Having to wear high heels most of the time, Heart Evangelista put silicone toe caps to protect her toes on top of her must-have list. Heart Evangelista keeps a tin of cute band-aids when traveling. Heart Evangelista owns a small pouch from BASH, the travel bag line of Bea Alonzo, where she puts small items like her Stevia and her floss.
Heart Evangelista's perfume from Mugler has become her signature scent, which is very fitting considering she was recently named as the newest ambassador of Mugler Fragrances. Even Heart Evangelista's phone charger is "kikay" and colorful! Heart Evangelista said she has rolls and rolls of beauty tape, which she cuts into smaller pieces to bring along with her. In the video, Heart Evangelista said the pack of sugar-free candy she was holding was given to her by a fan.
Heart Evangelista always brings hairclips with her, especially the cutesy ones from her favorite online Filipino accessories shop. Heart Evangelista packs her designer sunglasses in these organizers she got online. Heart Evangelista also has a small vanity bag, where she keeps essentials like a powder version of dry shampoo and eye drops.