Intimate relationships depend on couples’ mental health and emotional well-being. When these two closely intertwined aspects of life are not aligned, it can impact a person’s ability to develop and maintain a healthy relationship. If you or your partner currently struggle with mental health issues, like anxiety or depression, intimacy can help.
A strong bond between couples can help overcome feelings of stress and hopelessness, even when it’s difficult to express or accept love at times. Healthy intimate relationships help build resilience and have a positive impact on mental health. When you’re able to connect and confide in another person, you feel a deep sense of support and security.
Recent studies show how intimate relationships can protect against stress disorders, anxiety and depression. MRI scans reveal a definite link between mental health and intimacy: higher levels of brain activity in the part of the brain that causes pleasure, and lower activity in the region that registers anxiety, according to a study cited by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin . Romantic partners’ words of affection lower stress hormone levels.
When long-term and stable romantic partners hold hands, their stress levels are lower than when they hold someone else’s hand or no one’s. When someone is suffering from mental health issues, couples can find that intimacy is another challenge. It can affect a person’s ability to maintain their relationship by: Decreasing sexual desire, which can lead to an overall lack of intimacy.
Showing physical affection, like holding hands or hugging. Engaging in negative self-talk, which can make intimate situations difficult and uncomfortable. Communicating and expressing desires effectively in intimate situations.
Mental health issues can be complex and asking for help and support from a medical professional, counselor or therapist will help guide you and your partner through challenging issues. Here are some tips to help you open the lines of communication and maintain a healthy relationship. Encourage your partner to share their feelings so you can understand and support each other.
Practice self-care. This could include exercising, eating a healthier diet or meditating. Taking care of your mental health is a crucial component of fostering, building and maintaining a strong relationship with your partner.
Prioritize intimacy and connection, even when you’re busy. Some couples find they need to schedule time on their calendars, while others put it on their to-do lists. No matter your method, find time to intimately connect.
Share new experiences, like traveling or taking a dance class, which can help strengthen bonds. Reduce distractions and spend quality time together. Engage in activities together and create a dynamic twosome, whether it’s cooking, hiking or playing video games.
Working together to establish new habits and practice better communication skills takes time, but both are crucial aspects of intimate relationships. When partners can openly express their needs and desires to each other, it’s more likely to build a strong, trusting and fulfilling intimate relationship. Embrace a more healthful life with information to help you Eat Well, Be Mindful, Take Care and Move More.