Heading to Fryeburg for the fair? Take a fun-filled detour

There's more to do in this scenic mountain town than its annual agricultural fair, including candlepin bowling, sampling tasty local brews, and seeking out a covered bridge.


The Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg can be part of an idyllic foliage drive around Fryeburg. Photo courtesy of Maine Department of Transportation Don’t make the mistake of going to Fryeburg for its namesake fair and driving straight home. You’ll find lots of other things to do for fun in this scenic old town near New Hampshire’s White Mountains.

If the fair put you in the mood to try other quintessential, old-timey New England traditions, check out candlepin bowling at Saco Valley Sports Center on Route 302. It has 16 lanes, pool tables, snacks, beer and wine, plus a mid-20th century aqua-and-white color scheme. Also on Route 302, the road out of town, you can sample some locally made beer at the tasting room at Saco River Brewing .

Since traffic leaving the fair can be stop-and-go, get off the main roads and discover Hemlock Bridge , a covered bridge originally built in 1857 – it was reinforced to carry local traffic in 1988 – that’s a little off the beaten path. You find it by heading north on Route 5 (most post-fair traffic is going south) and then turning right onto Frog Alley, a dirt road that winds through an incredibly scenic valley for about 2 miles to the bridge. We invite you to add your comments, and we encourage a thoughtful, open and lively exchange of ideas and information on this website.

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