Kopin ( NASDAQ:KOPN – Get Free Report ) ‘s stock had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by investment analysts at HC Wainwright in a research report issued on Wednesday, Benzinga reports. They currently have a $3.00 price objective on the stock.
HC Wainwright’s price objective suggests a potential upside of 235.95% from the stock’s current price. KOPN has been the subject of several other reports.
StockNews.com cut shares of Kopin from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a research note on Wednesday, October 23rd. Stifel Nicolaus cut their target price on shares of Kopin from $3.
00 to $2.50 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research note on Friday, August 9th. View Our Latest Stock Report on KOPN Kopin Trading Up 1.
7 % Kopin ( NASDAQ:KOPN – Get Free Report ) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, November 12th. The company reported ($0.03) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping analysts’ consensus estimates of ($0.
05) by $0.02. The firm had revenue of $13.
32 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $12.73 million. Kopin had a negative net margin of 109.
38% and a negative return on equity of 165.86%. During the same period in the prior year, the company posted ($0.
02) earnings per share. Equities analysts forecast that Kopin will post -0.17 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.
Institutional Investors Weigh In On Kopin Several institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in KOPN. FMR LLC lifted its holdings in Kopin by 101,059.6% during the 3rd quarter.
FMR LLC now owns 57,661 shares of the company’s stock valued at $42,000 after buying an additional 57,604 shares in the last quarter. AMG National Trust Bank lifted its holdings in Kopin by 19.0% during the 3rd quarter.
AMG National Trust Bank now owns 125,000 shares of the company’s stock valued at $91,000 after buying an additional 20,000 shares in the last quarter. Royce & Associates LP lifted its holdings in Kopin by 485.4% during the 3rd quarter.
Royce & Associates LP now owns 6,693,294 shares of the company’s stock valued at $4,886,000 after buying an additional 5,550,000 shares in the last quarter. Murphy Pohlad Asset Management LLC lifted its holdings in Kopin by 26.0% during the 3rd quarter.
Murphy Pohlad Asset Management LLC now owns 135,600 shares of the company’s stock valued at $99,000 after buying an additional 28,000 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Affinity Capital Advisors LLC bought a new stake in Kopin during the 3rd quarter valued at about $54,000. Institutional investors own 30.
96% of the company’s stock. About Kopin ( Get Free Report ) Kopin Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, invents, develops, manufactures, and sells microdisplays, subassemblies, and related components for defense, enterprise, industrial, and consumer products in the United States, the Asia-Pacific, Europe, and internationally. It offers miniature active-matrix liquid crystal displays, liquid crystal on silicon displays/spatial light modulators, organic light emitting diode displays, microLED display technologies, application specific integrated circuits, backlights, and optical lenses; and head-mounted and hand-held VR products.
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HC Wainwright Reiterates Buy Rating for Kopin (NASDAQ:KOPN)
Kopin (NASDAQ:KOPN – Get Free Report)‘s stock had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by investment analysts at HC Wainwright in a research report issued on Wednesday,Benzinga reports. They currently have a $3.00 price objective on the stock. HC Wainwright’s price objective suggests a potential upside of 235.95% from the stock’s current price. KOPN has been the [...]