HC for helpline to report stray cattle menace


New Delhi: Delhi High Court has flagged the need for a dedicated helpline to report the menace of stray cattle , saying the issue requires “urgent and sustained attention” to ensure road safety . “The ongoing problem of stray cattle on roads is not merely an inconvenience but a significant public safety hazard that affects the daily lives of thousands of commuters. The authorities must treat this issue with the urgency and seriousness it deserves,” Justice Sanjeev Narula observed in a recent order.

Taking note of the stand of Municipal Corporation of Delhi and other Delhi Police that regular steps are being taken against illegal dairies, the high court said such action, while necessary, is “not sufficient to solve the problem comprehensively. There is a need for an approach that includes regular monitoring, community engagement and stricter enforcement of regulations against errant dairy owners and a solution for stray cattle.” The court said Delhi govt can examine if a special task force comprising representatives from MCD, Delhi Police and other relevant agencies can be formed to keep stray cattle off public roads.

“This task force will coordinate actions, share resources and ensure a unified approach to dealing with the issue of stray cattle,” it noted. The court also directed traffic police to monitor and promptly report incidents of stray cattle, while disposing of a plea moved by a lawyer who said he filed several complaints of stray cattle but to little avail. He stated that he repeatedly observed and reported the hazard posed by stray cattle during his daily commute but despite numerous complaints to the authorities, there has been negligible action to mitigate these dangers, which not only disrupt traffic but also pose serious risks to public safety.

The petitioner also raised concerns about dairy farm owners who negligently allow their cattle to roam freely on roads and highways, pointing out such practice not only leads to traffic disruptions but also increases risk of accidents. In response, MCD, police and govt said efforts were being made to curtail the problem, including disconnecting utility services to illegal dairies — a primary cause for stray cattle. In recent months, several illegal dairies have been sealed and structures on public land have been demolished to mitigate the issue, the authorities submitted.

MCD added that six illegal dairies have been sealed in Jaitpur, Meethapur, and Badarpur, and seven illegal dairy structures on public land have also been demolished in the area. In Feb and March this year, two illegal dairies were sealed in Sangam Vihar and adjoining area, in a joint action taken by the authorities. The high court said these steps are commendable but the persistent issue of stray cattle indicates a need for more robust and coordinated action.
