Harris defends Latino vote as Trump makes inroads with key demographic

Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government


to a Pew Research study. Recent polling shows Trump’s appeal with Latino voters has grown since his 2020 loss, withwhich details how to win Hispanics and provides a breakdown of how and why this group is so often misunderstood. “The fastest growing group of Latinos is third generation, U.

S.-born, English-dominant or English-exclusive, that is increasingly occupying the construction sites, energy patch, assembly lines, and manufacturing facilities, and they’re voting like their non-Hispanic, white peers,” he added. Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris and running mate Gov.

Tim Walz visit a campaign office, Friday, Aug. 9, 2024, in Phoenix. Madrid’s largest criticism of Democrats’ outreach efforts is that they attempt to communicate with this demographic of voters primarily through Spanish or bilingual platforms.

He pointed tothat found Harris is favored by Latinos in Spanish-speaking and bilingual households at a higher rate than in English-speaking ones. Trump is trying to convince this group that Harris is not the solution to the concerns they have about the economy, which is a top worry among all voters, according to recent polling. “I think Trump has a chance to capture about 45% of them, which would be the best vote Republicans have ever had, and if Republicans can get 45% of the Latino vote, they win,” Luntz added.

“He’s veered into this pet-eating immigrant phase, which is really limiting his upside potential,” Madrid said. “He was on a trajectory to build on gains in 2020; he’s probably put a ceiling on that, and by all estimations, he’s going to keep that rhetoric going, and that’s not going to help him. We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly.

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