Happy 74th birthday PM Modi: His secret to staying fit and well through a disciplined lifestyle!

In celebration of Prime Minister Modi's 74th birthday, we’ll be delving into how the PM maintains such a vibrant appearance while leading the nation


Despite juggling the immense responsibility of leading a nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi still maintains a vibrant appearance and finds time for meditation. In an old 40-minute meeting with the Prime Minister, social media influencer Ankit Baiyanpuria, known for launching the 75-day fitness challenge to inspire youth, shared insights into the PM's routine. “The Prime Minister told me that he can't eat on time and has a problem regarding sleep.

Then I told him that if the countrymen have to sleep comfortably then someone will have to work. Aur aap toh raja ho desh ke,” he said. In celebration of his 74th birthday, we take a closer look at PM Modi's fitness and wellness practices, including the inspiration behind his rigid lifestyle.

A post shared by Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) 3 hours of sleep Union Minister L Murugan shared with ANI that PM Modi discussed his daily routine, revealing that he sleeps for just 3.5 hours a night and refrains from eating after 6 pm. “Everyone was surprised and happy at the same time.

PM Modi talked about his daily routine, his exercise, his foreign trips, when he visited Karachi. We got to spend 45 minutes with him. We learnt so many inspiring things from him.

He said he sleeps for 3.5 hours and does not eat after 6pm,” he said, speaking of the time when the PM joined MPs for a quick lunch in February. Prioritising fitness Despite a demanding schedule that starts at 4 a.

m. and often stretches until midnight, Prime Minister Modi prioritizes his health and wellness. According to Sudesh Verma, author of Narendra Modi the Gamechanger , the PM's mornings when he was the Chief Minister in Gandhinagar began with a walk, a habit he continues till today before diving into his busy day.

However, it's his commitment to yoga, surya namaskar, and meditation that keeps him energized and focused. Simple yet nourishing diet The Prime Minister's diet is simple but nourishing, with a daily routine that includes ginger tea and a light breakfast of boiled or roasted foods. Though he enjoys snacking between meals, he is a modest eater, favouring dishes like khichdi, kadhi, upma and khakra which are all prepared by his personal cook.

His approach to fitness and nutrition reflects a balance between traditional practices and a disciplined lifestyle. Following a strict routine PM Modi has often expressed his admiration for Benjamin Franklin, urging UP ministers to prioritize ‘karya’ (work)" over ‘karyakaram’ (events and programs). The Founding Father's disciplined routine is the model for Modi's ideal work-life balance, beginning his day at 5 a.

m. with the question, “What good shall I do this day?” Franklin's mornings included time for self-care, planning and breakfast, followed by focused work hours. He incorporated breaks for reading, dining, and reflection, and his evenings were reserved for relaxation, conversation, or music.

By 10 pm, it was time for bed. PM Modi’s praise for Franklin’s routine, particularly his focus on managing sleep, diet and productivity, reflects his own commitment to personal discipline. In a 2015 edition of Mann ki Baat with former President Obama, Modi also shared how Franklin’s biography had inspired him from a young age, teaching valuable lessons on reducing excessive sleep, controlling diet, and managing work pressures — all critical elements of maintaining a healthy and balanced life despite the demands of leadership.

Prime Minister Modi’s commitment to health and fitness is a testament to the power of discipline, even in the most demanding of roles. On his birthday, his example serves as a source of inspiration, not only for Indian citizens but for leaders around the world..