Hailstone damages harvest time paddy

Parbat, Oct 22 : The hailstone occurred in different parts of the district has damaged harvest time paddy, causing sheer...


Parbat, Oct 22 : The hailstoneoccurred in different parts of the district has damaged harvest time paddy,causing sheer disappointment in farmers. The paddy crop cut down and laid todry on the fields was damaged by the hailstone. Kusma and Phalebasmunicipalities, and Jaljala, Modi and Mahashila rural municipalities faredworst in the hailstone hit.

A farmer from Kushma-10, DipakSubedi, shared the plight that the paddy cut and laid to dry on the fieldsperished after the hailstone. Similarly, most of the farmers wereabout to harvest the paddy in his area. Nearly 40 percent rice received damage.

The plains of Jukekhola, Chinnekhola, Adhikariphant, Malyangdi, Salghari,Argasel and others incurred huge loss, he added. Similarly, Saraswati Adhikari fromMahashila-5 said they the dried paddy was suddenly hit by the hailstone. Sheargued that they began harvesting paddy crop after the meteorologistsforecasted a clear weather and retreat of monsoon, but in vain.

It hurt thefarmers much, she wailed. Parbat district had witnessedsimilar damage of crop last year. Increase in rice production was expectedowing to timely plantation, but the harvest time disaster dampened thehope.

Chief of Agriculture KnowledgeCentre in the district, Parashu Ram Adhikari, also said most of the places inParbat witnessed hailstone which hit the paddy crops and damaged rice. He further said details about theloss are yet to be collected. (RSS).