Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic reports data security breach

Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic has announced that it is notifying certain individuals whose information was involved in a data security incident.


Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic has announced that it is notifying certain individuals whose information was involved in a data security incident. In a press release, Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic said it detected a limited number of its clinic employee email accounts were accessed by an unauthorized actor between Jan. 23, 2023 and Feb.

3, 2023. Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic said it takes the protection of personal information very seriously and strongly believes in transparency, which is why it announced its notification about the data security incident. After identifying this, Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic said it took steps to evaluate and ensure the security of its systems and networks.

Further, Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic immediately engaged third-party independent cybersecurity experts to conduct an investigation into the incident. Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic’s investigation determined that the impacted email accounts may have been viewed or accessed by the unauthorized actor. After an extensive forensic investigation and review, Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic discovered on Aug.

6, 2024, that certain personal and protected health information was contained within the impacted email accounts, including first and last name and one or more of the following: address, phone number, email address, date of birth, financial account information including account and routing number, payment card information, username and password, driver’s license number, government identification number, vehicle identification number, passport number, Social Security number, taxpayer ID number, mother’s maiden name, medical record number, medical and/or patient ID account number, medical diagnosis and treatment information, and health insurance information. The types of impacted information varied by individual and not every data element was impacted for each individual. To date, Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic said it is not aware of any reports of financial fraud or identity theft arising out of the incident.

Out of an abundance of caution, however, Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic is providing notice of the incident to individuals whose information was potentially impacted and explaining the services that are being made available. The clinic is mailing written notice to individuals whose information was involved in the incident to the extent it has a last known address. The notice contains information about the incident, Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic’s response, and information and resources to help individuals protect their information.

Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic is offering complimentary identity monitoring and protection services for individuals whose Social Security number was potentially impacted by the incident. The clinic recommends that these individuals enroll in the services offered to increase the likelihood that their information remains protected. Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic also encourages potentially affected individuals to remain vigilant against incidents of identity theft and fraud by reviewing account statements and monitoring your free credit reports to detect errors or identify suspicious activity.

Further, individuals should promptly report any fraudulent activity or any suspected incidence of identity theft to proper law enforcement authorities, including their state attorney general and the Federal Trade Commission, the clinic said. To file a complaint or to contact the FTC, one can (1) send a letter to the Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Response Center, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580; (2) go to ; or (3) call 1-877-ID-THEFT (877-438- 4338).

Complaints filed with the FTC will be added to the FTC’s Identity Theft Data Clearinghouse, a database made available to law enforcement agencies. For more information related to best steps you can take to protect yourself, please visit https://www.adventistclinic.

com/ . Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic said it is implementing additional cybersecurity safeguards, as needed, enhancing employee cybersecurity training, and improving cybersecurity policies, procedures, and protocols to help minimize the likelihood of this type of incident occurring again. For individuals seeking more information or who have questions, call the dedicated toll-free helpline at 1-888-832-8033 between the hours of 7 a.

m. and 7 p.m.

Chamorro Standard Time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. In addition, individuals seeking to contact Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic directly may write to Guam Seventh-Day Adventist Clinic at 388 Ypao Road, Tamuning..