Google Search Tests Recent Posts Carousel

Google Search is testing a new recent posts carousel in the desktop and mobile search results. This carousel can show YouTube videos, TikTok videos, Reddit or other "hidden gems" of sorts.


Google Search is testing a new recent posts carousel in the desktop and mobile search results. This carousel can show YouTube videos, TikTok videos, Reddit or other "hidden gems" of sorts. Both Brodie Clark on @SERPAlerts and Khushal Bherwani spotted this over the weekend.

Here are some of their screenshots: Here are more from them on X: Google is now testing out a 'recent posts' carousel from various sources for a broad set of queries. This test is similar to the 'latest posts' carousel from July, with 'recent posts' showing for queries beyond just peoples names. More examples: https://t.

co/cBbDuSwtfb šŸ†• Google testing Recent Posts carousal at mobile serp. This seems similar but different from the latest posts carousel from Google Search.

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