Google blasted by UK over anti-trust behaviour

AgenciesGoogle came under fire on Friday from U.K. regulators who accused the company of exploiting its dominance in digital advertising to stifle competition in Britain, adding to...


Qatar tribune Agencies Google came under fire on Friday from U.K. regulators who accused the company of exploiting its dominance in digital advertising to stifle competition in Britain, adding to the growing pressure the tech giant is facing on both sides of the Atlantic over its “ad tech” business practices.

Britain’s Competition and Markets Authority said that the U.S. company gives preference to its own services to the detriment of online publishers and advertisers in Britain’s 1.

8 billion pound ($2.4 billion) digital ad market. The watchdog leveled its accusations after an investigation, and the findings could potentially lead to a fine worth billions of dollars or an order to change its behavior.

Google is a major player throughout the digital ad ecosystem, providing servers for publishers to manage ad space on their websites and apps, tools for advertisers and media agencies to buy display ads, and an exchange where both sides come together to buy and sell ads in real time at auctions. “We’ve provisionally found that Google is using its market power to hinder competition when it comes to the ads people see on websites,” the watchdog’s interim executive director of enforcement, Juliette Enser, said in a press release. The watchdog’s charges, known as a statement of objections, arrive two years after it opened its investigation.

Google’s digital ad business is also the focus of a European Union antitrust investigation and a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit that’s set to go to trial this month.

The CMA said that Google’s “anti-competitive” conduct is ongoing, but the company disputed the allegations Friday. “Google remains committed to creating value for our publisher and advertiser partners in this highly competitive sector,” the company said in a prepared statement.” Copy 08/09/2024 10.