Good sitting vs bad sitting: How it impacts your brain health

Good sitting vs bad sitting: How it impacts your brain health


Listen to Story How you spend your downtime could have a significant impact on your brain health, according to a new study by researchers at the University of South Australia. The study analysed the daily activity patterns of 397 older adults, aged 60 and above, to understand how different types of activities affect memory and thinking abilities. The findings reveal that not all sitting activities are equal— some are beneficial for cognitive health , while others could be harmful.

Good Sitting vs. Bad Sitting Activities like reading, listening to music, crafting, praying, or chatting with friends were found to boost memory and cognitive function. In contrast, passive activities such as watching television or prolonged video gaming were linked to poorer cognitive outcomes.

Listening to music is good for cognitive health, making the brain sharp. (Photo: Getty Images) Dr Maddison Mellow, one of the lead researchers of the study, highlighted the importance of context in sedentary behaviours. "We found that the type of activity significantly alters its impact on brain health .

Social and mentally engaging activities stimulate the brain, while passive activities, like excessive TV viewing, can have a detrimental effect," she explained. A Hierarchy of Inactive Behaviours The research suggests a hierarchy in how staying inactive influences brain health. Activities that involve mental stimulation and social interaction rank higher in cognitive benefits compared to passive , isolated behaviours.

Reading boosts memory and cognitive function. (Photo: Getty Images) The insights are especially valuable in light of rising dementia cases worldwide. In Australia alone, over 4,11,000 people are living with dementia, and globally, the number exceeds 55 million, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Small Swaps, Big Benefits While physical activity remains one of the best defenses against dementia, the study suggests that even small changes in sedentary habits can make a difference. Activities that involve mental stimulation and social interaction rank higher in cognitive benefits compared to passive, isolated behaviours. (Photo: Getty Images) "Even five-minute swaps, like replacing TV time with a quick puzzle, reading, or a phone call with a friend, can support better brain health,," said Dr Mellow.

For those planning extended TV or movie marathons during the holidays, Dr Mellow recommended breaking up sessions with some physical activity or mentally engaging seated activities . "And, while the 'move more, sit less' message certainly holds true for cardiometabolic and brain health, our research shows that a more nuanced approach is needed when it comes to thinking about the link between sedentary behaviours and cognitive function," added Dr Mellow. She said that to achieve the best brain health and physical health benefits, you should prioritise movement that's enjoyable and gets the heart rate up, as this has benefits for all aspects of health.

The research highlights the importance of not just how much we sit, but how we spend that time. Social and mentally stimulating sitting activities offer cognitive benefits, while passive screen time increases risks to long-term brain health..