Game Theory: No, seriously, go play Tactical Breach Wizards

Game Theory: No, seriously, go play Tactical Breach Wizards -


One of the most joyful, hilarious, and fun games of 2024 is now out in full release, so stop reading this and play it Every Friday, A.V. Club staffers kick off the weekend by taking a look at the world of gaming, diving in to the ideas that underpin the hobby we love with a bit of Game Theory.

We'll sound off in the space above, and invite you to respond down in the comments, telling us what you're playing this weekend, and what theories it's got you kicking around. Earlier this year, we wrote about the demo for Suspicious Development's new tactical puzzle game Tactical Breach Wizards, which took the language of strategy games like X-Com (and also wizards) and combined them with the "Oh shit, the game is telling me how it's going to hurt me, how do I stop that?" puzzling of an Into The Breach. At the time, we called said demo "one of the more enjoyable hours we've spent with a game of late," and stated that its release date couldn't come soon enough; now, that release date is here, so what the hell are you waiting for? Go play Tactical Breach Wizards! If that dose of superliminal messaging isn't enough for you, we'll note here just how much more there is to the game than what was in that already generous demo.

That includes a surprisingly good story that blends Tom...

Image , Suspicious Developments.