Galasso: With God, you can prevail. Keep the focus on Him

God has many ways to help you and to bless you, so leave the question of "how" to Him.


One summer afternoon, a little boy was flying a kite at the beach. A person walking by saw the child running back and forth on the sand and curiously asked, “What are you doing?” The boy, holding the kite’s string in his hands, answered, “I’m flying a kite.” However, since the kite was so high in the air, the passerby could not see it.

So, he questioned, “But how do you know the kite is still there?” Politely, the boy responded, “I know the kite is there, because I can feel the tug on the string.” Do you feel abandoned, lost or hopeless? Or, perhaps, are you consumed with worry thinking that your situation is without a solution. But similar to this little boy flying a kite that a passerby couldn’t see, feel the tug of assurance in your heart from God.

For He is whispering to you today: “Do not fear. I am with you. And I will help you.

” You’re not alone. God is there for you. You may not see Him.

Yet, God is with you every day; shielding, defending, delivering, and leading the way to victory. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.

Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8). So, “Cast all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.

” (I Peter 5:7). Hence, do not be overtaken by challenges. With God, you can overcome anything.

So keep your focus on Him and open your heart to what He can do. God has many ways to help you and to bless you, so leave the question of “how” to Him. For God, “.

.. who formed the earth and made it .

..” (Isaiah 45:18) “.

..who by himself spread out the heavens .

..” (Job 9:8) and “.

..called out the stars, and they all appeared in order.

..,” (Isaiah 48:13) can reposition you and bring to you what you need the most.

A while ago, a dear reader wrote to me and described how he had overcome a serious illness. “I have learned many lessons..

. the most important being that God truly does care for me and for all of us.” Then, he recalled a miraculous experience: “One night, I was driving all alone, and I started thinking a lot about what was going on with my health.

I was a little scared...

a little sad...

then, I thought of all the love and prayers people all have sent me. As silly as it may sound to some, I simply asked quietly, ‘God, can you give me strength?’ “Not even five minutes passed and my phone rang. The man on the other end said, ‘Hello, a mutual friend of ours told me to call you.

’ He went on to tell me how he has been disease free for 17 years, and we talked for a long time. I felt great when we hung up the phone. So, ‘just ask.

’ I did, and it worked!” His letter continued, “God loves us, cares for us and He is with us every day, any time. All we have to do is seek Him, ask Him, and pray to Him.” God’s eye is watching even the tiniest sparrow.

Thus, surely, He will take care of you and supply your needs. In the Old Testament, it tells how King Nebuchadnezzar threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in a fiery furnace since they stood up for truth, did what was right and wouldn’t bow down to an image of gold. On the surface, it appeared as their situation was hopeless.

But they relied on God to give them strength, and believed for Him to do the impossible. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king.

” (Daniel 3:16-17). God honored their faith and they emerged from the furnace unharmed. Nebuchadnezzar then set them free, and he declared the greatness of their God.

I think of Daniel in the Bible, a great man of patience, faith and prayer. The Lord did not prevent the wicked plotting of his adversaries, as Daniel was thrown into a den of hungry lions. Yet, at all costs, Daniel kept his trust and loyalty to God, and God sent an angel to protect him all through the night.

In the morning, the King came to the den and called out to him, wondering if he were alive. Daniel answered him saying, “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me” (Daniel 6:22). God moves in mysterious ways.

His specialty is doing the impossible. No matter how small or large your needs may be, don’t get discouraged. For God is getting you ready to take you into a new area of blessings.

Trust His timing. And persevere onward with unshakeable faith. Soon, your prayers will be answered.

Out of the blue, adverse circumstances will turn around. Suddenly, everything can change for the better in your life. And you’ll come forth stronger and better than ever.

If you were to close your eyes while you were flying a kite, holding the kite’s string in your hand, you’d feel the tug of assurance on the string, so you would know that the kite was still there. Right now, feel the tug of gentle assurance in your heart from God that says: • “I am here. Leave your cares and worries with Me.

” • “I have great plans for you.” • “Miracles are in your future.” • “New joys are just ahead.

” • “And amazing opportunities are to come.” The sky is truly the limit where you are concerned. It is not over for you for anything.

You have a lot of time and lots for which to look forward. Only the best waits for you..