Future of National/NZ First coalition item on sentencing reform unclear

Winston Peters indicated he was having a meeting with PM Christopher Luxon later tonight.


The future of an aspect of sentencing reform promised within National and New Zealand First’s coalition agreement is uncertain as party members contend with official advice warning the promise will cause “unmanageable increases to the prison population”. The agreement states the Government would amend the Sentencing Act 2002 including “removing concurrent sentences for those who commit offences while on parole, on bail, or whilst in custody”. An adapted version of that commitment, which only encouraged the use of cumulative sentences for such offending, was contained within the suite of sentencing reforms that Cabinet has now signed off , with a bill enabling them to be introduced to Parliament this week.

The Herald yesterday reported how the Ministry of Justice regulatory impact statement on the bill warned a complete removal could put an additional 10,000 people in prison for mostly minor offences, more than doubling the prison population in what officials described as “not a feasible option”..