From Nixon to Biden, Blurring the Line Between Cannabis Clemency and High Level Hypocrisy - Beard Bros Media Continues the Fight to Free Edwin Rubis

Thousands of people convicted of nonviolent cannabis crimes are doing time in federal prisons. Edwin Rubis is a prime example having served 27 years so far on a 40 year sentence he was dealt in the 1990s. For Rubis, his only hope rests with a presidential clemency grant. It is time for...


Thousands of people convicted of nonviolent cannabis crimes are doing time in federal prisons. Edwin Rubis is a prime example having served 27 years so far on a 40 year sentence he was dealt in the 1990s. For Rubis, his only hope rests with a presidential clemency grant.

It is time for President Biden to act. LOS ANGELES , Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On March 24th, 2024 , the Biden Administration released a statement regarding presidential pardons that saw clemency granted to 11 individuals, five of whom were incarcerated for nonviolent drug offenses .

The final line of that statement reads, "While today's announcement marks important and continued progress, my Administration will continue to review clemency petitions and deliver reforms in a manner that advances equal justice, supports rehabilitation and reentry, and provides meaningful second chances." This echoes the opening line of, "America is a Nation founded on the promise of second chances." The fact remains that President Biden still has not released a single cannabis prisoner via commutation.

Not one. It also echos recently released recordings from meetings in the Nixon White House in 1973 where the president says, "Penalties should be commensurate with the crime," regarding cannabis enforcement, calling a 30-year sentence in such a case "ridiculous." The fact remains that this private revelation doesn't match up with the public legislation that created the War on Drugs and the Controlled Substances Act.

One more fact remains. To show a clear example of the value of rehabilitation and reentry, to live up to the promise of second chances, and for an opportunity to display and dispense equal justice, President Biden must grant clemency to Edwin Rubis and all nonviolent cannabis prisoners before leaving office. Learn more at https://beardbrospharms.

com/media-room-2/edwin-rubis/ or contact: [email protected] FULL RELEASE You can donate directly to this cause HERE About Freedom Grow Freedom Grow is an all-volunteer non-profit 501c3 organization helping cannabis prisoners regain freedom while supporting their sacrifices through 'The Wish Program' which helps prisoners with commissary money, books, magazines, family outreach, and public education. This news article contains the opinion of Bill Levers , and while subjective, the facts of the story do not intend to present false or misleading information on the convicted individual or the legal matter and facts herein. SOURCE Beard Bros Pharms.