Florida Supreme Court suspends Tallahassee attorneys accused of sexual battery


The Florida Supreme Court who were accused by a woman who worked in their home of sexually battering her. The state's highest court entered suspension orders against and last month, court dockets show. The suspensions, meaning they will be temporarily barred from practicing law, will be effective later this month so they can close out their practices "and protect the interests of existing clients," the court orders say.

According to previous reporting, the victim – who worked in the Warrens’ home for several years – her after they returned from a date March 10, 2023. The Warrens told the victim that they had been thinking about having sex with her for months and kissed and touched her, according to court records. She repeatedly said she was uncomfortable but the Warrens wouldn’t let her leave.

The victim later told investigators that Gabriel Warren performed a sex act on her at the direction of his wife before she was finally able to collect her things and escape. As part of the plea deal, the Warrens both publicly apologized to the victim, who was in the courtroom, sobbing throughout the proceeding. The married couple entered pleas to lesser charges, deals that were OK'd by the victim, as part of an agreement with state prosecutors.

In June, Circuit Judge Tiffany Baker-Carper withheld adjudication, meaning she did not enter a formal finding of guilt, and sentenced both to 48 months of probation and 15 days in jail. The Florida Bar now is pursuing disciplinary cases against the Warrens, with possible up to and including disbarment if they are found guilty of misconduct..