Fire Station: Artist in Residence opens ‘A House Overlooking the World’ exhibition

Tribune News NetworkDOHAOn Monday, Fire Station: Artist in Residence opened ‘A House Overlooking the World’ exhibition as part of the eighth edition of the Artist in Residence (AIR...


Qatar tribune Tribune News Network DOHA On Monday, Fire Station: Artist in Residence opened ‘A House Overlooking the World’ exhibition as part of the eighth edition of the Artist in Residence (AIR) programme. The exhibition features the work of 17 artists who were part of the residency programme at Fire Station from 2023 to 2024. The exhibition will be on view until December 31.

‘A House Overlooking the World’ is a metaphor reflecting the need to find a sense of self in a fast-changing world and it delves into the idea of a home within the contemporary realm. It also raises questions about identity and belonging through the eyes of the artists who got to showcase their artworks at the Garage Gallery which covers approximately 700 sq ft. Through exploring themes that intersect with urban identity and what defines it, the exhibition offers an inward look at the people who are the setting stone to any society and therefore to any land.

Throughout the exhibition, the artists shared rich and diverse narratives and emotions through three main themes: environmental, social, and cultural explorations. Through such, the exhibition aims to highlight the link to a person’s relationship with their environment, between space and its elements, and between the elements. Khalifa Al Obaidly, Director of Fire Station, said, “We are proud of the amazing work that our artists have produced.

The introspective nature of the exhibition required a skillful display of artistic representation which is not easy. It was masterfully done by the artists and I would like to congratulate them on their hard work. We look forward to seeing their growth and development in the future and the impact they make in the artistic community and beyond.

” ‘A House Overlooking the World’ showcases artworks emanating from the artists’ constant search either within themselves or of the environment and society around them. Participating artists for this exhibition areSomaia Dorzadeh (Iran), Hannah Fakhri (Qatar), Abdulla AlSallat (Qatar), Oleksandra Umanska (Ukraine), Charlotte Rodenberg (United States), Shuaa Al Kuwari (Qatar), Noora Al-Hardan (Qatar), Marco Bruno (Italy), Simone Carena (Italy), Aljaze AlNaimi (Qatar), Zainab AlShibani (Qatar), Aisha Al-Abdulla (Qatar), Mohammed AlEmadi (Qatar), Alkhuzama Alharami (Qatar), Ann Mc Nally (Ireland), Alanoud Alghamdi (Saudi Arabia), and Maryam AlTajer (Bahrain). The Artist in Residence programme at Fire Station stands as a world-class artist residency programme designed to foster and promote Qatar’s artistic talents.

Emergingand mid careerartists are offered a transformative platform to sharpen their creative skills through expert mentorship, production support, and curatorial guidance. It also includes access to studio space and fabrication facilitiesto foster talent development. Saida Al Khulaifi, Head of Programs and Exhibitions of Fire Station, added, “The eighth edition of Artists in Residence has been a massive success and the quality of the exhibition is a testament to the artists’ talents.

We hope to continue supporting local artists and nurture talent to help them actualise their potential.” The programme has achieved remarkable success, extending its influence to include a three-month residency at the esteemed Cite Internationale des Art in Paris and Studio 209 NY, a part of the renowned International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York City. Collaborating with local entities and organisations, Fire Station further enriches the programme’s offerings through workshops and collaborative projects, fostering engagement within the artistic community and beyond.

Copy 10/09/2024 10.