Fire crews plan to conduct prescribed burns near Superior on Tuesday

Fire crews plan to conduct prescribed burns near Superior on Tuesday, according to a press release.


Fire crews plan to conduct prescribed burns near Superior on Tuesday, according to a press release. Burns are planned on the Cohig; Bush (Rodney Dean); Mayhoffer; and Zaharias-Thomas properties. The Bush (Rodney Dean) and Cohig properties are west of the Superior Marketplace, the Mayhoffer property is west of McCaslin Boulevard and the Zaharias-Thomas property is along Colo.

128. The burns are being done for research purposes and to remove unwanted vegetation, according to the release. Officials said a final decision on whether to proceed with the prescribed burns will be made on Monday, based on weather forecasts and on-the-ground conditions.

Smoke and flames may be visible for up to 72 hours. Officials asked residents not to call 911 if they see the prescribed burns. The areas will be monitored to ensure fires are completely out, according to the release.
