BAREILLY: An FIR has been registered against a man from Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly after a video of him making outrageous comments about women at the Maha Kumbh surfaced online, police said on Friday. A case has been registered against Sabir Hussain , a resident of Mirganj in Bareilly, under Section 353 (spreading false information, rumours) of the BNS at the Mirganj police station after investigation of the video of insulting comments about women at the Maha Kumbh, said Circle Officer (CO) Anjani Kumar Tiwari. Deputy Inspector Yatendra Kumar has said in the FIR that a viral post was received in which Hussain, a resident of Mirganj, broadcast fake news on the Maha Kumbh.
It was said in the complaint that women are being stripped naked in the Yogi Adityanath government. An investigation of the viral post has revealed that the said post was made by Hussain, a resident of Sarai Kham town. The viral post by Hussain has hurt the sentiments of Hindu religion and there is a lot of anger among people of the community, the police said.
The police is searching for the accused, the circle officer said..