Fine Gael Minister of State Damien English Misled Local Authority


Leo about to lose a Minister after just a few weeks back in the hotseat surely? FG minister lied on successful planning application Fine Gael minister Damien English lied about his home ownership to secure planning permission for a new home. www.ontheditch.

com "Fine Gael minister of state Damien English lied about his home ownership to secure planning permission for a new home." English and Varadkar both refusing to comment when asked is it wrong to lie on a planning permission form, its more than wrong, its illegal 'The Ditch' magazine has stated that the former junior housing Minister misled a local authority in his application for permission for a rural house. This would be extraordinary if true - surely not? FG minister lied on successful planning application Looks juicy on the face of it.

And we have specific perjury legislation now (if true it was still perjury at the time irrespective of the legislation) as I assume that was a Statutory declaration he made. Yes it certainly appears that he lied. The crux of the issue is that he would have not been granted planning permission for his second house if this information was know, i.

e. a person gets one rural house only. The Ditch have also alleged that he has never declared ownership of this first house, as he like Troy is obliged to and that it since been repossessed because he wasn't paying his mortgage on it (or it's still the process of repossession).

So what can be done about it? Not a lot really. It was/is very common for people to lie about such in planning applications as lots of money to be made flipping property. TweetyBird said: Yes it certainly appears that he lied.

The crux of the issue is that he would have not been granted planning permission for his second house if this information was know, i.e. a person gets one rural house only.

The Ditch have also alleged that he has never declared ownership of this first house, as he like Troy is obliged to and that it since been repossessed because he wasn't paying his mortgage on it (or it's still the process of repossession). So what can be done about it? Not a lot really. It was/is very common for people to lie about such in planning applications as lots of money to be made flipping property.

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There is no penalty for lying in such a declaration? Vega1447 said: There is no penalty for lying in such a declaration? Click to expand...

Not that I know of. It would have to be covered by ethics legislation or as another poster alluded to, in perjury legislation, areas I know little of. Maybe his "home" belongs to a company? Or a trust? Or a limited partnership.

How very boring to own it yourself. Even then, you'd own an interest in the property, never the property. TweetyBird said: Not that I know of.

It would have to be covered by ethics legislation or as another poster alluded to, in perjury legislation, areas I know little of. Click to expand..

. Hmm. The obvious penalty is that, as planning permission for house #2 was granted based on a lie, house #2 must be demolished.

That would do it...

Vega1447 said: Hmm. The obvious penalty is that, as planning permission for house #2 was granted based on a lie, house #2 must be demolished. That would do it.

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.. It would be effective for sure but it's planning policy (rural housing needs) rather than planning law.

The 2000 planning act is due to be updated shortly but even if such is enshrined in law, statute of limitations (7 years in planning) would apply. The other question is whether anyone in Meath County Council knew about this at the time but I'm not sure whether he was a public figure then or if he was, how high profile? Edit: A Councillor from 1999 to 2002. Since 2002 a TD.

McTell said: Maybe his "home" belongs to a company? Or a trust? Or a limited partnership. How very boring to own it yourself. Even then, you'd own an interest in the property, never the property.

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A weak defence. But as it is it'll probably just blow over or at least FG sure hope so. I always found it hard to listen to him.

TweetyBird said: A weak defence. But as it is it'll probably just blow over or at least FG sure hope so. Click to expand.

.. I bet that they do.

.. Of course the Dirty Rotten Shinners (sic) might bring it up in Dáil Éireann.

The dirty rotters...

. Did you know that Damien English and Thomas Byrne have never been seen in the same room ? Bit like Clark Kent and Superman. milipod said: I always found it hard to listen to him.

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His accent is like a rural version of Miriam O'Callaghan. Completely incomprehensible without subtitles. Meh, everyone lies to the planners.

.. jmcc said: His accent is like a rural version of Miriam O'Callaghan.

Completely incomprehensible without subtitles. Click to expand..

. He says “stratahee “ for strategy. Heard him on radio recently claiming Rebuilding Ireland was a success.

carlovian said: He says “stratahee “ for strategy. Heard him on radio recently claiming Rebuilding Ireland was a success. Click to expand.

.. Based on his own success? Those guys in On The Ditch have done more good journalism in the last year than the entire Dublin media put together.

Vega1447 said: Hmm. The obvious penalty is that, as planning permission for house #2 was granted based on a lie, house #2 must be demolished. That would do it.

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.. No point in demolishing a perfectly good gaff.

He could just hand it over to the local housing authority for whatever is owed on the mortgage, less whatever is deemed an appropriate fine...

But this should be done in all similar cases.. Gin Soaked said: No point in demolishing a perfectly good gaff.

He could just hand it over to the local housing authority for whatever is owed on the mortgage, less whatever is deemed an appropriate fine...

But this should be done in all similar cases.. Click to expand.

.. How FG and Varadkar deal with this will determine a lot at the next GE.
