Find Out Which County Beaches Have Water Contact Restrictions This Holiday Week

A water contact closure was issued Wednesday for the Coronado shoreline due to the presence of sewage, officials said.


A water contact closure was issued Wednesday for the Coronado shoreline due to the presence of sewage, officials said. “The Tijuana River is flowing and reaching recreational waters,” the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health and Quality said in a statement. “Beachgoers are advised that the ocean water contains sewage and may cause illness.

” The environmental department said ocean waters in the area will remain closed until sampling and field observations confirm they are safe. We have launched our year-end campaign. Our goal: Raise $50,000 by Dec.

31. Help us get there. Times of San Diego is devoted to producing timely, comprehensive news about San Diego County.

Your donation helps keep our work free-to-read, funds reporters who cover local issues and allows us to write stories that hold public officials accountable. Join the growing list of donors investing in our community's long-term future. The Tijuana Slough, Imperial Beach, Silver Strand and the ocean shoreline from the International Border to north of Silver Strand also will remain closed until sampling confirms they are safe for water contact.

Farther north, La Jolla Children’s Pool, where harbor seals are presently pupping, remains under a safety advisory for bacteria levels which have exceeded state health standards. More information on water contamination in San Diego County can be found at .

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