Fauci: Joe Biden Is Fine, Seriously, Also Buy My Book

Fauci told Garrett that it would be “inappropriate” to speculate on Biden’s health just by looking at him


Former White House senior medical adviser Anthony Fauci assured Wednesday that President Joe Biden was fine as he slipped in a plug for his new book on CBS News’ “The Takeout.” alarmed viewers as he noticeably stumbled and spoke with a raspy voice during the first 2024 presidential debate Thursday evening. Despite two aides claiming the president had a while facing off against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, Fauci brushed off Biden’s debate performance as “a bad night” before sneaking in two mentions of his newly released memoir, “On Call.

” “It just looked like a bad night because my interaction with him was what I described in the book. And what happened even subsequent to what I described in the book after I got out,” Fauci said. “You know, he’s very probing his questions,” Fauci continued.

“Very analytical. Very calm about things. When you go in to brief him, Major, you better really know your topic.

Because he’s going to ask you very relevant questions. And he’s very reflective on things and just doesn’t jump out with conclusions or anything. But is very analytic.

So, my interactions with him with him, I have to say, have been very, very positive.” Dr. Fauci tells that he has “no doubt” President Biden has the mental capacity and vigor to carry on with his office, despite a shaky performance during last week’s debate with former President Donald Trump.

Full episode with Dr. Fauci on will be..

. — CBS News (@CBSNews) .